The Tethered Self: Technology Reinvents Intimacy and Solitude Article Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Articles
📌Words: 639
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 11 June 2022

Ever since social networking was developed, people have been using these technologies to communicate with one another. Although online communication has many advantages, it also comes with disadvantages that could potentially harm people’s relationships with others, and alter their perspective of themselves. Sherry Turkle, author of “The Tethered Self: Technology Reinvents Intimacy and Solitude,” writes about this issue and discusses the disadvantages of people’s dependence on online communication. 

According to Turkle, if people lose their phones, they undergo a state of uneasiness and agitation. People text one another while performing basic everyday tasks such as household chores, cooking, enjoying outdoor activities, and even while commuting from one place to another. People collect their photos online by posting them on social media, and allowing their followers to see every detail of their lives. Younger generations admit experiencing a feeling of shame if they do not post their photos. They are exceedingly attached to their phones to the point where they cannot sleep unless they are located in the same room as they are in. Even if they are not anywhere near them, people are still able to sense receiving notifications on their phones. It seems as if people are developing an emotional attachment to the technology around them (28).

While playing online games, people recreate themselves as new characters with their ideal bodies, financial statuses, higher-paying careers, and massive houses. Turkle writes, “Sometimes people tell me they experience no sense of having connected after hours of communication (30).” Although being a part of the virtual world makes people seem connected with one another, it actually does the opposite. Rather, it leads to them feeling alone and disconnected from the real world. People attempt to build a following with “friends” on social media, however, it leaves them wondering to what extent their followers are actually their friends. They exchange messages, which leads to them believing that they have a solid connection. In spite of that, they get less comfortable having real conversations using speech. As a result, they would rather text than talk to someone in person or on a phone call. It is quite obvious that technology altered the definitions of being connected and being isolated (30).

According to Turkle, technology does not only affect teenagers and young adults, it affects the entire human race. People, regardless of their ages, acknowledge the fact that they prefer to write messages, emails, or send voice messages rather than talking to others in person. The main reason why people prefer to communicate this way is that they have more time to ponder the message that they will write. They think that speaking on the phone will expose information they might not want others to know. On a phone call, the conversation drags on and it seems as if it is never-ending. On the other hand, sending text messages allows people to decide the times they are willing to reply back to others, giving them more flexibility. In this day and age, all forms of technology are being unintentionally utilized to lessen the connections between people, therefore negatively reshaping human essence (31).

Although it is true that online communication and social networking are filled with many negatives, using these technologies actually allows people to stay in contact with others all over the world. This can be especially useful for those who have families and friends residing in other states or countries. Social media sites are the most convenient ways to keep in contact with loved ones no matter the distance between them. Since it eases the communication between them, it allows them to stay in touch with each other. 

Turkle’s article reveals the downsides of using technology to communicate with others. These downsides include feeling pressured to post photos online, developing an emotional attachment to technology, feeling disconnected and isolated from the outside world, and lessening people’s communication skills. People are now unable to communicate properly due to their dependence on online communication, rather than speaking to others face-to-face. Although social networking may be useful for those who use online communication to keep in contact with distant relatives, it is still important to understand the drawbacks of depending solely on that type of communication.

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