The Works and Influence of Robert Browning Essay Example

📌Category: Writers
📌Words: 401
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 September 2022

Robert Browning lived an accomplished life. He was born May 7, 1812 (The Editors of Salem Press 137). He started poetry at age 12 and wrote 51 poems total (“Robert Browning” [Literary Devices]). Robert’s exceptional intellect was reflected in his work. He taught himself using his father’s home library (The Editors of Salem Press 138). Along with writing, he had a passion for music, drawing, and dancing (“Robert Browning” [Literary Devices]). He married fellow poet Elizabeth Barrett in 1846 (The Editors of Salem Press 140). He and Elizabeth fled to Italy to carry on with their lives as husband and wife (The Editors of Salem Press 140). Browning was granted an honorary D.C.L. from Oxford in 1887 (“Robert Browning” [Literary Devices]). He passed away two years after receiving the degree (The Editors of Salem Press 137). Robert’s life experiences inspired the themes implemented in his writing.

Robert’s style of writing was unmatched. He initially wrote about his feelings, but he stopped expressing himself after being harassed by a critic (“Robert Browning” [Encyclopedia Britannica]). He used dark humor and irony in many of his poems (“Robert Browning” [Literary Devices]). He specialized in dramatic monologues and wrote in subjective and objective points of view ( Editors). He allowed his audience to see the characters in their natural state using his objective view, and readers were given a chance to see the characters through their own eyes with his subjective view. (The Editors of Salem Press 139). This compelled the reader to sympathize with the narrator even if they were immoral or wicked (The Editors of Salem Press 137). He dove into deep philosophical ideas in his work. Because of his profound concepts, his writing was typically aimed for mature audiences (“Robert Browning” [Poetry Foundation]). His sporadic insertion of complex principles in his poems made them difficult to read for some (“Robert Browning” [Poetry Foundation]). Robert’s unique approach to writing transformed the world of poetry. 

While Browning’s work served as a model for many notable poets, he only had one major influence. Percy Bysshe Shelley led Robert into his devotion for poetry (The Editors of Salem Press 139). He paid homage to Shelley in his first published poem, Pauline. He wanted to honor him without imitating him (Rich). Robert wanted his career to stem off on its own path, so he detached himself from Shelley (Rich). Big name poets such as Robert Frost, T.S. Eliot, and Ezra Pound were all impacted by Browning’s talent (“Robert Browning” [Literary Devices]). He was given the title of Ezra Pound’s “literary father” (“Robert Browning” [Poetry Foundation]). 

The work of Browning undoubtedly still inspires modern-day poets.

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