The World Isn’t Headed in the Right Direction (Climate Change Essay Example)

📌Category: Climate Change, Environment
📌Words: 517
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 August 2022

Although the world has recently had many improvements with the needy population, the world is not heading in the right direction because of climate change and the significant drop in Democracy, as without a civil and tolerable world to live in, no amount of positive developments will matter.  

The world isn’t headed in the right direction because Democracy is deteriorating, no matter what misleading data suggests. Fading Democracy has adverse effects on human life and security. For example, the Hindu nationalist movement encouraged scapegoating Muslims for the COVID-19 virus leading to hate crimes against them [Freedom House]. It is essential to understand that events similar to this will continue to happen if Democracy drops. For instance, in 2020, forty-five countries declined in Democracy, and the world’s largest Democracy, India, collapsed from free to partly free [Freedom House]. Conversely, in 2015, the world’s one hundred and three democracies made up fifty-six percent of the world’s population [Pinker]. However, the number of democracies globally is fundamentally irrelevant because this statistic doesn’t show how many governments are in danger of corruption. Namely, seventy-five percent of the world’s population lived in a country that faced deterioration in Democracy in 2020 [Freedom House]. This issue will only worsen if leaders waste time on ‘positive’ misleading and inaccurate evidence. Even though Democracy looks intact now, that is no indication that the world is improving because it is unhinged and could fall after one worldwide complication. Thus, the world is not headed in the right direction because Democracy, at this current rate, will eventually cease to exist.   

The world isn’t headed in the right direction because climate change is on track to end all life, which immediately eliminates all strong counterarguments. The impacts of climate change on the world are hard to grasp, leading many people to be uneducated on the topic. Climate change has caused ocean acidification, global warming, and unpredictable weather, which is detrimental to marine and terrestrial life [Class Notes]. On top of that, a five-degree warning could be the end of human civilization if we continue to choose to be blind about the environmental impacts [Rich]. However, this shouldn’t disregard positive developments from humankind. For example, the population of needy people in poverty has diminished as people living on one dollar a day illuminated forty percent in 1981 to eighteen percent in 2004 [Zakaria]. As great and impressive as this is, it will only go downhill because of climate change. According to Bhawan Singh and Marc J. Cohen in “Climate Change Resilience,” Haiti suffers from human-induced hazards. As long as preventable disasters hit Haiti while drowning in poverty, they will continue to lose more money leading to the never-ending presence of impoverishment. No matter how much effort we put in with humanity, nothing will matter if we continue to disregard climate change. Additionally, climate change will cost more than five hundred trillion dollars to end [Rich], and a lot of that will likely come from taxes from people of all classes. At length, this will force people in poverty to go bankrupt, and in due course, underprivileged people will be ignored as there are much more pressing issues. Overall, using progress in poverty or anything else to rebuttal climate change is an unwinning battle because global warming will ultimately end the world; therefore, the world is nowhere near heading in the right direction.

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