Tipping System Exacerbates Unfair Pay at Restaurants by Kathleen Kingsbury Article Analysis

📌Category: Articles
📌Words: 394
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 14 February 2022

Usually, when the topic of tipping comes up, there are two types of people. “Tipping System Exacerbates Unfair Pay at Restaurants” by Kathleen Kingsbury provides the reader with these perspectives and uses many ways to try to convince you to one side of the argument. The author uses mostly rhetoric appeals like pathos while also using concessions and rebuttals.

Pathos is the most abundant thing that you’ll see in this article. She uses it to make you feel for the servers and their tips. She explains how the vast majority of servers and other front-of-the-house employees have been left with little control over how much income they make each week. Using experiences from these employees makes you feel bad for them because for people that have never been servers than it puts a new perspective for them. She also uses the personal experience of Rakel Papke. It mentions the corruption of some of these restaurants. Saying that she only got paid if she asked. The use of rhetoric is one of the major ways she tries to convince the reader.

Another thing that the article does well is the use of concessions and rebuttals. By giving the other side of the argument, it makes your case a lot more creditable and persuasive. For most of the entire article, she bashes the industry on tipping, some of the people that tip and that women in the industry feel the need to be sexual and laugh at offensive jokes to secure their income. In paragraph nine she talks about California and how they never let the wage of tipped workers reach below the actual minimum wage. It is even said that the industry is booming compared to the other states. That is the good part of tipping workers because their income doesn't solely rely on the tips, it's more of a bonus. That is a great example of concession and rebuttal because it gives the good side of the argument instead of the bad. It shows the reader that she understands that there's credit where it's due. This alone gives the article more credibility because it's not just bashing the industry. 

In conclusion “Tipping System Exacerbates Unfair Pay at Restaurants” by Kathleen Kingsbury is a great article to convince someone to help make a change to the tipping system. She makes the problem more aware than other people might think, No matter what perspective you have on the situation, she manages to bring light to the problem and is asking you, until the system gets fixed, tip well.

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