To Kill A Mockingbird Movie Analysis Essay Sample

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 887
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 18 June 2022

The 1962 film To Kill a Mockingbird, is a movie based on injustice and racism. This film expresses a biased and racist decision to imprison a black man named Tom, then kill him, all due to the colour of his skin. One of the characters from this movie quoted: “It was a sin to kill a mockingbird because mockingbird don’t do anything but make music for us to enjoy, don’t eat peoples gardens, don’t nest in the conner cribs, they don’t do one thing but Just sing their hearts out for us”. Relating the title to this film, we are shown that it was a sin to imprison, then kill Tom, for all he had was a kind and helpful heart who wanted to help a woman out of the kindness of his heart.
In To Kill a Mockingbird, injustice was served as Tom was accused in trial for beating and rapping a white woman named Mayella. However evidence discovered by Atticus his lawyer, proved that Tom couldn't have done the crime he was accused on performing. For instance: in Mayella's and other witnesses descriptions, they described that Mayella had a black eye on the right side of her face and had bruises all around her neck. In the court room Tom was asked to catch a standard glass which he did with his right hand. Tom was then asked to catch the same glass with his left, only Tom replied to Atticus that he couldn't move his left hand due to an injury he had when he was only 12 years of age. This makes it clear that Tom could only move his left hand proving he wouldn't have been able to grab her all around the neck, nor hit her right eye. Therefore the jury's end decision was unjust for it was impossible for Tom to have committed the crime. 
Atticus was given the task the defend Tom in court. Because most of the residents in Maycomb were racist and against black, Atticus was treated with injustice from Mayella's father Bob. Atticus was a lawyer and single farther of two named Scout and Jim, and when he was defending Tom, he was disrespected by Bob, being spat in the face and called a nigger lover. Atticus' children were also treated with injustice, for after the jury made their decision Scout and Jim had tried to be killed by Bob on their way home from a school Halloween pageant. This was injustice because Scout and Jimhadn’t done anything wrong, instead Bob tried to kill them as vengeance to Atticus for defending a black resident.Mayella's lies led to an unjust death of Tom. In her descriptions she asked Tom to come and complete a task in return for a nickel. Tom accomplished his task and like said, Mayella went inside to obtain a nickel for his pay. Once she got back she turned around and Tom was there as he started to beat her up, rape her then run away. With the evidence Atticus proved, it makes Mayella's statement impossible to be true. With this evidence that Mayella lied, it makes her actions and choice of words unjust for Tom died even though he was known to be innocent. Not wanting to be disgraced by her community for kissing a black man, Mayella continued to only think about herself as she lied about Tom beating and rapping her to cover what she had done. One of the witnesses which was the sheriff had described Mayella as beaten up, but if Tom Couldn’t had beaten her. It left Bob responsible for beating his daughter, for he had seen Mayella kiss Tom.
As mentioned earlier, Atticus' children Scout and Jem had tried to be killed. During the time of this crime a quite and spooky man which the children called Boo, swept in and fought Bob stopping him from killing the children, as he stabbed a kitchen knife in Bobs ribs. Knocked unconscious Jem was then carried to his home by Boo as Atticus called the sheriff immediately after finding out his children had been harmed. Once the sheriff arrived, Atticus was worried that Jem had killed Bob in self defence and had needed to come before the counted court, until the sheriff disagreed and said: “your boy never stabbed him”. This left Boo as the murder, however turning Boo in would be unjust. History from Boos life had a bad record for he killed his own father with scissors. Thus if he were to be reported he would be sent to prison even thought he was saving the children. Boo also liked to live a quite life and with the whole town knowing what he did he would have all the women thanking him and bringing him all sorts if things. In the sheriffs eyes this was a sin so he declared that Bob fell on his own knife killing himself. The title: To Kill a Mocking bird is demonstrated in this scene as well, for all Boo did was save Atticus' children, and would be classified as a sin to report him.
To Kill a Mockingbird is a movie in which brings out the topic of injustice and racism. Injustice was played out in many forms of this film as we are also shown the racism and biased hearts of the white residents of Maycomb towards the black citizens of their town. People were treated fraudulently all being under the root of the accusation of Tom for crime that was made impossible for him to have committed. This included Tom himself, Atticus, Jem, scout and would have been Tom if the Sharif had not covered him.

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