Totalitarian Government In Brave New World Essay Example

📌Category: Books, Brave New World
📌Words: 395
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 July 2022

Both ancient and modern human civilizations have benefited as well as been affected by technical advancements and the use of technology within societies to execute certain jobs. Technological advancements have become required for some societies to thrive and evolve. Can you picture our society being fully dominated by science and technology? To the point where your fate is predetermined even before you are born not only that but you’re also conditioned to only feel happy. In this world, you are no longer a person with free will, but rather a subject of government control. Isn't it a bit hard to believe that such a world would exist? Aldous Huxley envisioned a world like this when he wrote dystopian fictional novel Brave New World. He envisioned a society in which individuals are manipulated by the government and brainwashed into believing such beliefs. Huxley made some significant predictions about this scenario possibly occurring in our world today. The author utilizes the topics of manipulation, censorship, and credulity to promote the idea that the government uses technology to suppress information along with controlling society.

This novel is heavily reliant on the concept of manipulation. The governments of the brave new world are big on conditioning and brainwashing their citizens into believing what they desire. “A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” This quote from the novel argues that in order to build the ideal society, a government must reign over people, and citizens will not be compelled to rebel against their government since they will enjoy their servitude to it. This is basically how Brave New World's government worked; civilians never rebelled against the government because they never thought they were doing anything wrong. Huxley's prediction is somewhat accurate in this regard. Since the government is continuously monitoring you in the world state, you have no sense of privacy. In our modern society, we can see this happening because the government can listen in on our conversations through our cell phones. Some people in today's society are absolutely devoted to their country and will go to great measures to prove it. However, some people rebel against the government because they do not share the same beliefs as the government. Because there will always be people who do not share the same views as the government, there may never be a time in society when all citizens are entirely devoted to their country.

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