Turtles All the Way Down by John Green Literary Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 602
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 20 August 2022

In the story “Turtles All the way down” by John Green, the author uses many techniques to suggest perspective changes in the story, which include adding in characters who are mentor characters to the protagonist, emotive language, informal dictation, and allegory. In this novel, Aza, the protagonist, suffers from anxiety and stress, and she has to learn to cope with it while dealing with the case of Davis Pickett’s missing criminal/billionaire father. Aza needs to give herself some credit, self-love, and take care of herself so her anxiety can tone down, and she can live a normal life. As Aza is dealing with all this, she realizes Davis is the first love of her life. As she realizes this, the father is found dead, and the case is solved, but Davis and his little brother are forced to move away, and Aza will not be able to see Davis. While at the beginning of the story, the protagonist Aza is always anxious and overthinks things that are unlikely for her to experience, at the end of the story Aza opened up to the world more and looked at the world from a new perspective. 

Aza’s starting perspective was very anxious, stressed, and worried about all of the small little things in life that most people don’t know about. Aza is also very concerned about what other people think about her, and how people view her, even though she doesn’t put in full effort to be able to view other people and walk in their shoes.  “The fear had mostly sweated out of me, but as I walked from the cafeteria to history class, I couldn’t stop myself from taking out my phone and rereading the horror story that is the “Human Microbiota” Wikipedia Article.” (Green 11) Again and again, Aza lets the fear of getting sick take over her, so she isn’t fully able to enjoy her life. Aza’s thought spirals take over her mind and control, and she becomes extremely nervous and anxious. While her doctor has specifically warned her many times not to read the article as a way of comforting and relieving her stress and anxiety. Little does Aza know, she will only become more anxious and worried when reading the “Human Microbiota Wikipedia Article” Aza over the whole story is constantly checking this Wikipedia Article. I believe the author uses the “ Human Microbiota Wikipedia Article” as a symbol to represent Aza’s emotions that are going on inside her head. This article is also used as a form of repetition to suggest to the reader that what is going on with Aza isn’t just a one-time thing, and it’s a constant problem that could lead to another larger problem later in the book.  “I guess I just don’t like having to live inside a body? If that makes sense. And I think maybe deep down I am just an instrument that exists to turn oxygen into carbon dioxide, just kind of terrifying to me that what I think as, like, my quote unquote self isn’t really under my control.” (Green 104) With all of these thoughts Aza is having, she is very self-centered about herself, and she can’t really focus on other people's thoughts and lives. But at the same time, she is worried about how others view her and think she is super weird for having all of these breakdowns and worries about the world. “STOP TALKING. Jesus Christ, you haven’t shut up in ten years. I’m sorry it’s not fun hanging out with me because I’m stuck in my head with no way out, with no way to ever take a break from it, because that's my life.” (Green 217) All of these thoughts rushing into Aza’s mind causes her to clash with her best friend Daisy, and Aza shares how she feels everyone sees her, and all of these thoughts.

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