Victorian Era Essay Sample

📌Category: Historical Figures, History
📌Words: 333
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 25 August 2022

There are many reasons I am partial to the Victorian Era. It saw the height of the industrial revolution, the abolition of slavery and the reign of a remarkable woman. Queen Victoria was responsible for one of the most prolific eras in British history. She faced apprehension and scandal during her reign but won the hearts of her people through her ingenuity, open-mindedness and strong will. 

Although St. Lucia was once a British colony, I cannot think of any other monarch who has had a more present influence on my life. The very hospital I was born in and the village where I spent my summers were named after Queen Victoria. As you would imagine, I always wondered what made Victoria so special? This inquisition led to me developing a deep appreciation for the Victorian Era. I read about their food, their social customs, their fashion, their economy and their queen. 

Queen Victoria was crowned on 28 June 1838. She was only eighteen when she was informed of her ascension to the throne. Despite never expecting to be queen, Victoria accepted her new role gracefully. She had spent most of her life a shut-in being crowded by her mother and her staff and now she was the most important woman in the world responsible for ruling almost a quarter of the world’s land mass. Despite her young age and recurring illness, she was a transformative queen. She pushed for the abolition of slavery in the colonies, maintained peace and welcomed the new era of technology in Great Britain.  Like every world leader, Victoria found herself in the middle of scandals and assassination attempts and due to her young age was often criticized especially by the men in her court and the politicians who she was expected to work with. Despite their disdain and contempt for her choices, Victoria held her course. Her headstrong attitude and revolutionary mindset allowed her to change the entire course of history. 

Queen Victoria’s influence is not exclusive to the Victorian Era. I aspire to be just as revolutionary as Victoria, unflinching at hardships, welcoming to change and steadfast in my beliefs. Victoria’s transformative attitude benefited her entire country.

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