Visiting the Glass Beach at Fort Bragg Essay Example

📌Category: Traveling
📌Words: 505
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 02 April 2022

Fort Bragg is known for the shiny shores of Glass beach, and the Skunk Train for the tours. On Tripadvisor, Glass Beach is rated #10 out of 27 attractions to see, and the Skunk Train is rated number #5. Most people say it’s the sparse suburban feel.

The beautiful seasides of Glass Beach would be a lot of people’s first visit. The most significant reason why a review says is, “There are thousands of sea glass and just a gorgeous place to sit down and relax.” Just think about this, you could relax in a chair, or if you're just looking for an escape from people Glass Beach is all for it. Here is why there is so much glass in Glass Beach. About 6 decades ago there was a horrific earthquake in San Francisco, and it hit Fort Bragg, it hit it so bad that it tore apart making trash go everywhere. But In 1990 there was a big clean-up on Glass Beach and the shore began displaying lots of sea glass. It had been so long ago since it had been dumped it turned into colorful sea glass. 

Now you might want to go to Fort Bragg, but you may be worried about prices and maybe activities or hotel rooms. There’s just the thing for you, from online reviews to people who recommend staying at “Motel 6 Fort Bragg” and “Harbor Lite Lodge” and travelers adore Point Arena lighthouse too. But for now “Motel 6” is the main subject right now so, “Motel 6 Fort Bragg” the pricing fee per night is about $100 to $60, said it is pet accessible, also has an indoor pool and hot tub, and that’s just some of the many things they have. Now “Harbor Lite Lodge” is a 4 out of 5 stars and costs about $130 to $99 per night, said it has an Electric vehicle charging stations and free internet, and even a private balcony. Lastly for Point Arena Lighthouse, the lighthouse has been running since 1870! It has an outdoor museum, of course you still have to wear your mask but the view is worth the visit. Now that I have expanded to the cheapest but most t high-rated hotels and a beautiful place to visit.

Although it is pretty nice and appealing in Fort Bragg, there is a very high crime rate. On Fort Bragg is a level #F and #F being the worst, in fact, every 6 hours and 13 minutes there is a crime, furthermore there is a 300% chance of your home getting robbed. If you don't think it’s true lookup “Does Fort Bragg have a high crime rate?” All of your answers will be there. Lastly, there is also 7.421 that you could be a victim of theft. So if you do go down or up to Fort Bragg make sure you have all safety items. 

It may have a very high crime rate but it is such a beautiful place to visit, I’m sure now if you had an opportunity to go you would go. Now that you know how Fort Bragg is and where you can go and good places to stay, do you want to go to Fort Bragg?

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