Visual/Spatial Intelligence & Auditory/Musical Intelligence Research Paper

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Learning, Science
đź“ŚWords: 785
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 26 January 2022

There are many learning styles out there in the world, with each style differing moderately from the next. Nevertheless, a Harvard researcher named Howard Gardner founded the theory that there are 7 key learning styles. Claiming that people can have two learning styles, a dominant learning style as well as a less dominant learning style. These two learning styles are referred to as the primary learning style and the secondary learning style. With this information on hand, there are two learning styles that are both similar yet incredibly different from one another. Those two learning styles consist of the Visual/Spatial Intelligence learners and the Auditory/Musical Intelligence learners. The Visual/Spatial Intelligence learners and Auditory/Musical Intelligence learners have similar approaches to understanding information, problem-solving, and studying information. 

Visual/Spatial Intelligence learners. What exactly is a Visual/Spatial Intelligence learner? Hawkar Akram Awla describes it best in his article “Learning Styles and Their Relation to Teaching Styles” saying “Visual learners prefer to think in pictures and obtain information through visual means such as diagrams and videos.” (Awla, pg. 242) Visual/Spatial Intelligence learners are just that, visual learners. They learn best when presented with visuals, like videos, diagrams, and pictures. Unlike with Logical-Mathematical Intelligence learners, visual learners do not learn best when presented with problems to solve. However, if presented with a picture problem such as a spot the difference type problem, they may solve it quicker than any non-visual problems or patterns.  

Auditory/Musical Intelligence learners. What is an Auditory/Musical Intelligence learner? And how do they learn? Hawkar describes auditory learners best when saying “Auditory learners gain information through aural channels such as verbal discussions and listening to others speech.” (Hawkar, pg. 242) Auditory learners learn best from discussion or conversation. They would gain the most information by listening to a lecture or discussing a topic with a group. Unlike Logical/Mathematical Intelligence learners and visual learners, auditory learners wouldn’t do well only watching an educational video or using numbers to solve a problem. 

During my academic career, I have dealt with both Visual/Spatial Intelligence learning and Auditory/Musical Intelligence learning. By watching educational videos, studying diagrams, and looking at graphs I have experienced the visual side of learning. Art classes are the biggest Visual/Spatial Intelligence classes there are, and I have taken multiple art classes throughout my academic years. By sitting in and listening to lectures both online and in person, I have experienced the auditory side of learning. This type of learning style was more common during my senior year of high school when everything went virtual, and I had to listen to my classes via recorded videos or zoom meetings. Throughout the years I have had a heavy mixture of both visual and auditory learning. From pre-school all the way through high school, even now in college.  

Both Visual/Spatial Intelligence and Auditory/Musical Intelligence learning, have their similarities and differences. For one, both learning styles consist of one of the five human senses. Visual relates to humans' ability to see and perceive things being shown, while auditory relates to humans' abilities to hear and understand things being said. Another way these learning styles are alike is in the way they problem-solve. They have a hard time with number problems, and can only seem to work effectively while using one of five senses. For example, an auditory learner may have to talk the problem out. While a visual learner may have to see the problem be done first to understand how to solve it on their own. Visual and auditory learners however would have a hard time understanding information designed for each other, visual learners would have a hard time understanding verbal instructions and auditory learners would have a hard time understanding visual only instructions.

Visual/Spatial Intelligence learners need a visual learning environment. This means that they would do best watching videos, and doing visual work like putting presentations together. Visual learners have the greatest potential for success in art classes or hands-on type classes. Such as woodworking and even website design. Where they can look at visuals or learn by visual demonstration and then create their own work. In college, they may major in art or even architecture. Once out into the real world they will most likely flourish at jobs like website design or any visual-based jobs.  

Auditory/Musical Intelligence learners need a very vocal learning environment. They would do best in a group study session or a lecture class. Auditory learners may excel at group discussions or debates. In middle school and high school, many Auditory/Musical Intelligence learners may fall in love with drama or theater. In college, they will do best by listening to many of the lecture classes. They may major in communications or even social work. Once out into the real world they may get jobs in sales, or business, maybe even management-type jobs. 

In consideration to all the facts that have been said. Visual/Spatial Intelligence learners and Auditory/Musical Intelligence learners are similar. Even learning in similar if not opposite ways of one another. However, they are not the same. They still have their own preferences, and their own learning styles. Even if they stem from alike origins. 

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