Way To Deal With Refugees Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Immigration, Social Issues
đź“ŚWords: 671
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 24 January 2022

In a time where war and bloodshed are everywhere, many flee their homes and hope to find safety, shelter, food, money and start a new life. We not only see this in the story REFUGEE by Alan Gratz, but also in real life. Many believe that it is the country's responsibility to take them in, but countries don’t because they must protect their citizens. Refugees cost a lot of money and resources, which many can’t spare and ultimately could cause the country to fall apart. Another reason is that there is a much more effective way to deal with refugees, and that's to attack the root/cause of their fleeing. 

As stated, one reason that it is not our responsibility to take in refugees is that it’s expensive. Failure to provide resources could spell doom for both civilians and countries. Many have tried to take precautions and failed. On page 2 of "The plight of refugees, asylum-seekers, and IDPs around the globe," it said, "These appalling figures are the result of major powers' failure to stop a series of crises—including those in Syria, South Sudan, Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Venezuela—running out of control." said Richard Cowan, the U.N. director of the International Crisis. This quote is important because it means major powers like Russia, the U.N, the USA, France, and so on. (Note: those listed are examples of major powers). As we do some research, we can see that they have lots of money and resources, and yet it is said that they failed, so how? The main reason is the fact that humans are expensive. You must give them all the things needed to live, but the country must also think about publicity, since that is what is seen by everyone, and you can let them see that you give the people bread, so they must spend much more so that they can maintain a good face. Another way to deal with it is simply to close it all together and we see this happen. On page 334 of Refugee, it said the following: "Trump signed executive order 13769 indefinitely suspending entry... it was titled Protecting the United Nations from foreign entry into the U.S." Many think that this action is wrong, but it is not our duty to do so. For example, if a man needed 911, human nature would likely make us help him, but this is only out of the kindness of our hearts. If we were to walk away, we would not be held responsible for anything unless the country made a law to help them. Then and only then would it be their responsibility, but if they don't have it, it is not their fault.

My second point is that there are better ways to deal with refugees. War and conflict are a major part of why many flee. So instead of just taking the refugees in, another thing that we can do is attack the root of the problem, (aka) the homeland. On "U.S.A again cuts refugee numbers, sparking widespread criticism" page 3, it said, "The United States should try to end conflicts that force people out of their home countries in the first place." The reason why this is better is that we could have halted more than 13.6 million people from leaving in 2018. (provided by UNHCR) But many would say that this would be time-consuming and more expensive, but this way of handling it would have made new allies, safer places, and peace for most. This would also stop refugees that come into the host country with ill-intent, for example, refugees. It said, "The refugee was arrested for killing a policeman." This is important because it shows that people are unpredictable and could do anything. This puts refugees and the country at risk of harm.

In conclusion, the country does not have the responsibility to care for refugees because the country's job is just to protect its people. Refugees cost a lot of money and resources, which many can’t spare and ultimately could cause the country to fall apart. Another reason is that there is a much more effective way to deal with refugees and that's to attack the root/cause of their fleeing. In the end, we must help from the kindness of our hearts, but not because we were told that it was our responsibility.

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