Who is Responsible for the Death of Romeo and Juliet? (Free Essay Sample)

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 607
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 26 September 2022

Would you want to die just because your parents were at odds with your spouse's family? That's what Romeo and Juliet experienced. Romeo and Juliet is a tragic tale about two teens who fell in love but died young. People often wonder who was responsible for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet. Upon reflection, everyone in the play is to blame for each other's deaths. In my view, however, three people are responsible for this tragedy. Therefore, Romeo and Juliet are also responsible for their own deaths, as are Lady Capulet and Friar Laurence.

Romeo and Juliet are therefore two of the most obvious characters to blame. Romeo and Juliet are responsible for their own deaths for a variety of reasons. There was no other way to escape that marriage with Paris for Juliet. She only thought of dying. Romeo shouldn't have snuck into that party and should have kept his emotions under control, which should have refrained him from killing Tybalt and Paris. There are consequences for the irrational actions of Romeo and Juliet, including their banishment from Verona and the forcing of Juliet to marry Paris. Suffice it to say, Romeo and Juliet had something in common that caused them to die: they let their emotions take over them. They are easily influenced by their emotions, which leads to them making improper decisions as a result of their emotional state. For instance, Romeo didn't even have time to process the news of Juliet's death before he made the decision to kill himself. He didn't properly grieve the loss of her, nor did he really contemplate it as most people do. But of course, Romeo and Juliet aren't like most people. 

In addition to who is to blame, Lady Capulet is also responsible for their deaths. Lady Capulet neglected Juliet, and Juliet had no other figures in her life besides the nurse. With that in mind, she lacked proper guidance and advice. She made immature and irrational decisions because she lacked the necessary guidance. As an example, she agreed to Friar Laurence's plan to fake her own death. Juliet would have done anything instead of marrying Paris. Another reason Lady Capulet is responsible for their deaths is that she entered into an arranged marriage with Paris and Juliet without Juliet's knowledge or permission. Even after Juliet denied the marriage, Lady Capulet exacerbated the situation by calling Lord Capulet and slandering Juliet by threatening to disown her. Juliet became upset and made irrational decisions, which led to her death. As a result, Lady Capulet is able to take responsibility for their deaths.

Friar Laurence is the third most horrible person to blame for Romeo and Juliet. It's surprising that a priest could be responsible for two accidental deaths, isn't it? I believe Friar Laurence is most to blame for their deaths because he made poor plans for two emotionally unstable teenagers. I also say this because the only reason he married Romeo and Juliet together was that he assumed it would end the feud.The feud was not his to begin with, but getting involved only made matters worse. First and foremost, despite knowing about the family feud, he allowed two teenagers to get married. He gave Romeo and Juliet false hope and plans. He took control of Romeo and Juliet's irrational thinking and convinced them that they could marry. One example is when he made a plan for Juliet even though he knew she was too emotional to think. Juliet even admitted to him that she would rather die than marry anyone other than Romeo. The Friar devised an elaborate plan for Juliet to fake her own death and then miraculously return with Romeo three hours later. Friar Laurence wasn't even thinking clearly. His only goal was to ensure that the feud would be cleared up when Romeo and Juliet married. He was self-centered because he was only interested in using Romeo and Juliet's marriage to end the feud.

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