"Why Pugs Are the Perfect Family Pet" Article Analysis (Free Essay Sample)

📌Category: Articles, Life, Pets
📌Words: 843
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 28 September 2022

The article “Why Pugs Are the Perfect Family Pet” is a persuasive article discussing the incentives to adopt pugs. The article was posted on the PetHelpful website which features similar works ranging in topics and animals. The individuals behind the website claim its purpose is “sharing expertise and knowledge on pets.” This article is a persuasive piece trying to convince people that pugs are the perfect breed for everyone to adopt. The author, Angie Woods tries to persuade the audience through the use of anthropomorphising pugs and developing various narratives of how pugs can fit into anyone's life. 

Woods heavily relied on anthropomorphising pugs when constructing her article. There are examples of this all throughout her writing, in addition to the text are images she displays that utilize this tactic as well. The article introduces the audience with a full-size image of a pug wearing a birthday hat following with the caption, “Pugs: The Perfect Family Dog”. This image is just one in a series of images where pugs are dressed up in various attire, thereby humanizing them. This behavior of dressing dogs up in clothing makes many individuals feel like they have closer relationships with their animals and add a “cute factor” that many individuals crave in pet ownership. Woods repeats this tactic later displaying pugs wearing vampire and easter bunny costumes for Halloween. Although Woods repeatedly describes how pugs are a great choice for anyone, she does put a special focus on family households. Implementing these specific images of pugs dressed up act as an incentive for interested parents as it represents how the pugs can almost serve as a sibling rather than just a pet. 

Woods does not just rely on images to anthropomorphize pugs. Her writing is filled with this tactic. Her article is introduced with a segment titled, “Why Pugs Make Great Family Pets” followed by a series of bullet points. The first bullet point regards the fact that pugs are known to have an “amazingly BIG personality”. This description is effective in helping readers to better connect with the thought that pugs can be a part of the family rather than just a pet. The second bullet point states how pugs make for a “charming companion.” This example also invests in the idea that adopting a pug would result in a deep and meaningful relationship. The third bullet point states, “They love being cuddled and patted and can sometimes get jealous or troubled when your affections are devoted to someone else.” This point is also very effective. Woods managed to take an experience many individuals would be very familiar with, being jealous and craving love, and tie that with the behavior of pugs. This not only helps the reader connect with the thought of getting a pug, but also supports the idea that the pug will love the reader intently and demand their affection. Later on, there is another segment titled, “Pugs Are Fun to Have Around” followed by small paragraphs describing pugs’ behaviors. Within this segment pugs are described as, “clowns of the animal kingdom…happily ‘dress up’...attention seekers.” These examples reinforce how Woods actively describes pugs with terminology reserved for humans in an attempt to foster connections between the readers and pugs. Overall this tactic lessens the gap between humans and pugs and helps reinforce the idea that we can befriend animals. 

In tandem with anthropomorphizing pugs, Woods constantly describes narratives and characteristics to explain how pugs can fit into anyone's life. Woods states, “They are also highly intelligent, which makes it easy to see why they are a popular choice for a family pet or a single person looking for a charming companion.” With this line, Woods has actively addressed anyone who may be reading this article. She opens the field of adopting a pug to anyone interested. An interesting note is that Woods’ claims can become contradictory as she tries to remain so inclusive. At the beginning of the article she claims, “Pugs are best suited to people who have a lot of time and love to give, as the breed thrives on human affection.” Here she was appealing to families, specifically kids and how they make great companions to children because they “will tolerate the prodding of a child” and “thrive on human affection”. However, later in the article Woods states, “They love to take long naps, and a typical Pug will spend a great deal of the day sleeping, up to 14 hours a day! This can be a great benefit to people who work and have to leave their Pug at home during the day.” These claims are quite contradictory to each other and are derived from Woods’ attempt to appeal to all possible readers. Another point of influence comes from the history segment of the article. In this segment, Woods remarks, “They became the dog of aristocrats and royalty.” This is followed by various stories of royalty with their pugs. These royalty narratives are useful in influencing the readers to adopt a pug as it raises the perceived value and prestige of owning a pug. 

Angie Woods’ article “Why Pugs Are the Perfect Family Pet” is an effective persuasive piece convincing readers to adopt pugs. Woods actively utilized anthropomorphising pugs through text and imagery while also proposing various characteristics of pugs that make them suitable for anyone and everyone. This combination results in an article that applies to the reader's emotions and logic ultimately leaving them more reasons than before to adopt a pug. 

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