Willy Wonka Trained the World to Love Scratch-Off Lottery Tickets

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 514
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 September 2021

Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory is an all time favorite movie of any American Kid growing up in the 70's and up through the 90's and even today its still a classic hit that can still be enjoyed by the whole family.

This film may in fact have bit of a darker side to its plot and screenplay. In the scene where Charlie finds the Golden Ticket, there are some oddities about the scene that are subtle cues given to the viewers that are subliminal in nature.

Now it could just be coincidence but the candy store in the movie is a lot like a convenience store of today. With a counter operated by a store clerk, whom distributes the reserved items kept behind the counter and upon request the clerk will sell you such items.

Charlie enters the candy store and asks for a bar of chocolate. After paying the clerk he starts for the door then on second thought he turns back towards the candy store clerk and asks for one more, and then he makes an excuse saying its for his grandpa Joe. Since when did anyone ever have to make an excuse for buying a candy bar. not so likely, but on the other hand a person might feel the need to make an excuse when buying a scratch-off lottery ticket, especially if its your last bit of money. most would feel a bit of shame and be looked down upon if people knew you had just spent your last dime to buy a scratch-off.

Anyway, Charlie decides to check to see if perhaps he might just be the winner of the last golden ticket. As he is peeling pack the candy wrapper he has a moment of suspense just before he finally tears back the wrapper and low and behold the glimmer of that glorious golden ticket glimmers back at him and the peter pan flute gives a subtle cue to the subconscious to remember this moment and store it away into your memory with that feeling of excitement your emotions have stirred in this scene.

we all know that it is our emotions that make the connection to our subconscious minds and the fact is that you are unlikely to remember something unless you have an emotional response with the information and that emotional response is what your brain uses to recall that memory. we often remember the way something made us feel first and then we recall the information that is attached to that emotional feeling.

That glimmering shimmering golden ticket glinting from just beneath the torn candy wrapper. if you look at the average scratch off ticket, it seems to have a striking similarity to the shimmery glittery foil like appearance of most scratch off lottery tickets.

Next we see Charlie as he goes through his miraculous transformation. Going from poor little nobody kid, to inheriting the entire chocolate factory that is more like a dreamland or a piece of heaven than it is a business. We see Charlie's' grandpa suddenly miraculously finding his health and his ability to walk. Charlie's life is suddenly catapulted into the good life and good fortune. Exactly what we might imagine our lives to be like if only we could hit the big jackpot and if only we could win the lottery.

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