Women's Gender Roles in Society in Their Eyes Were Watching God Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, Their Eyes Were Watching God
📌Words: 630
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 19 March 2022

In “Their Eyes Were Watching God”, the author, Hurston makes the characters live through troublesome events to let them learn and change. This novel raises questions about women's gender roles in society. The main character, Janie, continues through multiple marriages and hard times while she is questioning her identity. Numerous events lead Janie to finally go out and find herself and what she is supposed to be. Hurston illustrates the theme of finding your voice and identity through Janie with the events of her being raised by her Grandmother, marrying Logan, and her Grandmother dying. 

First, Janie being raised by her Grandmother, Nanny teaches her that some people are not meant to be in your life. Hurston wrote, “Don’t think Ah don’t feel wid you, Janie, ‘cause Ah do. Ah couldn’t love yuh no more if Ah had uh felt yo’ birth pains mahself. Fach uh de matter, Ah loves yuh a whole heap more’n Ah do yo’ mama, de one Ah did birth. But you got to take in consideration you ain’t no everyday chile like most of ‘em. You ain’t got no papa, you might jus’ as well say no mama, for de good she do yuh. You ain’t got nobody but me.” (Hurston, 15) Janie’s Nanny is explaining that she loves Janie immensely and that Janie doesn’t need anyone besides her. Nanny has raised Janie for her whole life and she knows what is best for Janie. In this part of the book Nanny is trying to marry Janie off so she is happy. Nanny only wants Janie to be happy so she tries her best to do so. Janie learns the importance of realizing who the important people in Janie’s life are through her being raised by Nanny. This helps Janie find her independence and her voice. 

Next, Janie marrying Logan teaches her what true love is. This text demonstrates this, “The familiar people and things had failed her so she hung over the gate and looked up the road towards way off. She knew now the marriage did not make love. Janie’s first dream was dead, so she became a woman.” (Hurston, 25) Janie dreams of being married to someone she loves but it doesn’t  happen right away. When she leaves Logan she goes on a quest to find herself. Janie doesn’t like being controlled. She wants to find herself and she is going to do it. Janie goes to her Nanny and asks her what she thinks. Nanny doesn’t want any tears from this marriage that she forced. After Nanny dies, Janie pushes for growth. Logan marrying Janie gives Janie a boost to go and find her voice. 

Finally, Janie’s Nanny dying teaches Janie how to deal with loss. A quote from “Their Eyes Were Watching God” says, “Tain’t no use in you cryin’, Janie. Grandma done been long uh few roads herself. But folks is meant to cry ‘bout somethin’ or other. Better leave things de way dey is. Youse young yet. No tellin’ whut mout happen befo’ you die. Wait awhile, baby. Yo’ mind will change.” (Hurston, 24) In this quote Nanny is telling Janie how to deal with love. Love isn’t supposed to cause tears, Nanny is wanting Janie to find love but she doesn’t want it to cause pain. Nanny dying gives Janie some support in leaving Logan. She is on her way to finding herself and finding her place in society. 

In conclusion, past events in Janie’s life are a contributing factor in gender roles and independence. Janie’s past experiences teach her what she doesn’t want and how she wants to live her life. Janie being raised by her Grandmother teaches her that not all people are meant to stay in your life. Logan marrying her teaches her what true love is and how to be independent. Finally, Janie’s Grandmother dying teaches her that she can leave and how to deal with a loss. All of these events teach Janie important life lessons. They all contribute to the overall theme of independence and identity leading to overall happiness and growth.

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