Women's Movement in the 19th Century History Essay Example

📌Category: History
📌Words: 914
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 03 June 2022

The women's movement in the 19th century was such a huge controversy involving women fighting for the right to vote, have an education, and equality in marriage. Many at the time deemed this movement as immoral as it goes against the natural law since these rights were reserved for men, believing that women were inferior. While others countered stating men are superior to women using bible verses that stated numerous times that men and women are created equal by god. A major person responsible for the Human rights movement as well as Women's rights was Elizabeth Cady Stanton.

During the time of the Women's rights movement, the genders debated on whether women should have the right to vote for governing power. Voting symbolized the freedom Americans had, representing the power in the people over the government. The power to choose who represents your views was given to every citizen in the United States. Elizabeth Stanton argued that they  supported the cause in fighting the revolutionary war, women also deserve the rights to shape the government they fought so vigorously for. All Americans should have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness regardless of gender. She argued they have the right to refuse allegiance with the government if they, the governed, do not consent. 

As a counter to the claims women made, men argued that women weren't smart enough to vote, were not smart enough to decide in such a major part in the future of the country. It was common belief that men were born to be strong workers and leaders in society, while the women were born weaker to take care and raise children. Women were seen as the moral and pure parts of society, while voting was deemed immoral since politics were evil and impure. Americans wanted their women to stay moral and control the purity in their household so voting didn't make sense. The idea of breaking these gender roles having women vote would have resulted in the collapse of early America itself.

Elizabeth believed that women had the right towards a proper education to learn to read and write as any other child. When people are educated they have a better range of options available to pursue in life. Women wanted to broaden their capabilities to build stronger families and further involve themselves within the working class instead of being forced as housewives. During a Women's Rights Convention, Elizabeth Cady Stanton states women were forced into gender roles with their only option growing into a mother living in the houses of men. Human Rights Activists like Elizabeth fought to build schools for all children including women to give them a proper education.

Men believed that it was for the best to keep women uneducated because men believed women couldn’t handle learning and learning  too much would lead to immorality. Men thought of themselves as superior compared to women so they didnt think of including them in schools. They thought they were protecting women by leaving them in the dark and uneducated instead should spend time learning to take care of children. Men believed the movement “unnecessary” with giving changes like education for women, our society would have changed too drastically for it to be practical. All the benefits of women's rights would be outweighed by the cons of societal change in which it is needed for women to have equal rights for education.  

Women fought for equality in marriage since when a woman gets married to a man, she loses her independence and becomes her husband's property. The woman is unable to vote, make money of her own and everything she owns belongs to her husband. She is then stuck at home expected to stay there to nurture their children without any other opportunities. Elizabeth Stanton believed in the freedoms given to mankind which women did not experience being destined to a fate of restriction by their husbands. Elizabeth stated that women are mens equal so they shouldn't have to be subjected to a life under men because of the gender they were born into. If women proved they could be educated back then, they wouldn't be intellectually inferior to men anymore.

Men didn't want change in the power they had over their wifes still believing men were superior to women. Furthermore on how giving the rights women mentioned in the Women's rights convention, it would destroy the society they had. Back then it was unheard of for women to be treated as mens equal since for over six thousand years, men ran societies where they ruled with women being lesser. Men believed if women were to have the same rights as men, the social hierarchy would collapse in turn destroying everything they worked for in the past few millennia. Men thought of this movement as society moving the opposite direction, not seeing the cause as a positive. All the change would lead to huge confusion with no real positive outcome resulting in wasted efforts in changing a system that already worked.

The women's movement in the 19th century was such a huge controversy involving women fighting for the right to vote, have an education, and equality in marriage. Elizabeth Stanton being the main voice behind fighting for women's right to vote because the governed deserved a say in who they are governed by. Men believed that letting women choose such an important part of society is too much of a burden. Women wanted an education in hopes of widening their future opportunities in life and also because it should be a right for all children. Men believed that it is unnecessary for women to receive a proper education since they usually marry and become housewives. Women fought for equality in marriage to be more independent for their husbands. Men thought that it was for their own good for them to be dependent on their husbands since they were so weak.

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