Zero Short Film Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 677
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 10 June 2022

An astonishing animated short film called "Zero" was released 10 years ago. The short film was written and directed by Christopher Kezelos, along with David Cox, and produced by Christine Kezelos and the New South Wales Film and Television Office. Zero has a meaningful story that most of us can relate to. A society that treats people as if they are worthless if their number is less than one.

A boy who was born with number zero on his chest, which determines their status in life. What they will be, or what they could be. Unfortunately, he got zero. Zero is constantly oppressed and prejudiced since he was born. The zero can't multiply; they have no chance to obtain a job or attend school without any judgments from people with higher numbers. In short, they were born to be nothing, because people who were born with numbers ranging from one to nine think that zeros are useless. Zero experienced different struggles when he was growing up, but he still managed to think positively. There are still times when Zero is slowly losing his hope that people will treat him fairly, just like everyone else. Until an accidental encounter with a female zero changes his life forever.

Even though their love was forbidden, they still continued to grow. They do things that a number 3 or 4 can do. For the first time, he is unaware of his status since he has made a new acquaintance. The two of them fight for their love but the people who have higher numbers or privileged people don't allow this kind of relationship for people who have zero. Zerp faced the consequences, they imprisoned Zero and he doesn't know what to do or what will gonna happen. Until one day, the day he created something truly magnificent, and he eventually realizes that happiness may be attained with a little persistence and bravery.

The cinematography makes it more emotional, added by it's plot. It shown racism. As in real life, even if racism is being stopped for the long time. It is still unavoidable for people to have problems when it comes to criticising another, It is because of human nature. It's really inevitable. However, if they try to be more understanding and how or when to speak something unpleasant, it will help our society to be more  subjective.

In conclusion, we can decide what we want and what we could be. The short film talks about how inequitable society is. How they treated or viewed other people who were born with the lowest of the low, which has nothing to do with our worth as a person. Therefore, life isn't a life without fighting; a fight without passion isn't a fight; a passion without heart isn't a passion; a heart isn't a heart without rhythm, and a beating rhythm isn't a rhythm, if it's alone. Furthermore, "zero" represents people who were born into unfortunate lives. Especially with the statement, "We're all born of the same matter. However, we're not all born equal." We can't deny that it still happens in reality. However, like zero, we may begin to feel the courage. Perhaps, that's the reason why he met the girl. The girl represents encouragement and determination. In the statement, "Zero never allowed bad situations to get him down. He didn't want to be a negative number. " It will resonate with courage. He doesn't allow people to bring him down with their judgments. While the child represents a new beginning, or a chance to make a move, to change what needs to be changed. In contrast, our journey started with zero, but the privileged hopped from 1 to 9. Above all, life is not unfair; it is the people and the society, and in this society, status is what it takes.

Overall, this short film is captivating and worth watching as it has an impressive plot, theme, message, and lesson. This short film is a perfect example of an image of reality in our society. The film lasts 12 minutes but you'll realize something, something called a piece of puzzle, and that something may complete your intellectual mindset of how society works. I will forever be amazed on how the short film goes and how the director chooses nice phrases, and how zero proves us that a zero can be infinity. Finally, it will turn nothingness into something.

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