Human Nature Without Society in Literature (Essay Example)

📌Category: Animal Farm, Books, Lord of the Flies, Orwell, William Golding, Writers
📌Words: 794
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 26 September 2022

Evil is very common in the world and can be seen anywhere. No matter where and when someone will have evil intents through savagery and want for power. In the novel. Lord of the Flies, William Golding shows that human nature is evil when given freedom and is corrupted by society's savagery and want for power.

Human nature is evil when faced with freedom from society. Savagery and want for power is often came across when away from society. Apart from that fear is also very common when away from society which can lead to people to have that want and need for power as well as savagery. In Lord of the Flies, Golding shows a lot of times where savagery and want for power was portrayed. Jacks’ tribe often came across savagery when they were on the island one time they were chanting, "Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood." (pg 69) They are torturing the pig because they have freedom, so their savagery comes over them by torturing a pig that was already dead. The torture of the pig would not have happened if they were around society and did not have freedom. Throughout the book there are many examples of power and the want for power and leadership. Ralph would often use his role as chief to execute his power he would say things like." I'm chief. I'll go. Don't argue" (155) to show his higher power as an excuse to do things and not have any backlash for it. Humans are not inherently like this, because in the novel you see many examples of boys who are not power hungry or straight savage. They came to the island as different people then they were while they were there. They had no society Martinez around them to one keep them under control and to keep the maintenance of the island under control. The boys were fending for their lives which is why evil is not inherited it comes from the society and the people around them.

In the book," Animal Farm" by George Orwell is another example came to the island as different people then they were while they were there. They had no society Sign i Marane? around them to one keep them under control and to keep the maintenance of the island under control. The boys were fending for their lives which is why evil is not inherited it comes from the society and the people around them. In the book," * Animal Farm" by George Orwell is another example of where evil is seen with savagery and the want for power. Napoleon, a character in animal farm, is often seen as the leader on the farm because of his want for power and his Corruption. He would use fear to manipulate the animals on the farm to have them turn to him for his leadership and power. Squealer would help put the fear into the animals by saying that, "He would be only too happy to let you make your decisions for yourselves. But sometimes you might make the wrong decisions, comrades, and then where should we be?"(chapter 5) When squealer did that to the animals, he put fear into their heads so that Napoleon would get the leadership that he wanted. Napoleon went as far as killing snowball to gain the leadership over snowball which lead to savagery. Napoleon drove snowball off the farm by using his dogs and the dogs ,"..dashed straight for snowball……" (chapter 5) and killed him Napoleon can often be compared to as ralph because he made his power known on the farm just like ralph did on the island.

There are plenty of real-life examples of humans being evil through the want for power and savagery. Adolf Hitler, the leader of the holocaust and the Nazis, 11 million people were killed during the holocaust. Adolf Hitler had a hate to Jews mainly and would do anything in his power to take away any control from the Jews. With Adolf Hitler having power he was able to control what the Jews did. Hitler and his aNazi regime instituted hundreds of laws and regulations to restrict and exclude Jews in society." With him taking away the Jews rights he was able to gain power over them and all they did. After taking complete control of the Jews he was able to complete his plan with savagery. Hitler would have the Jews experience," They were subject to starvation, torture and horrific brutalities, including gruesome and painful medical experiments" He tortured and killed over 6 million Jews and 5 million of his own Nazis just to have power with savagery.

Human nature is evil when given freedom and is corrupted by society's savagery and want for power. Humans are evil when given the opportunity of having power and often take it out through savagery and giving other people fear to give themselves power. Humans are evil when they have a chance to be or faced with opportunity to be humans are not born with evil but can gain it when they want power over someone or something.

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