Passers-by by Carl Sandburg Poem Analysis (Free Essay Example)

📌Category: Poems
📌Words: 525
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 September 2022

Passers-by helped me move past old memories and relationships to push forward for the better. I couldn’t move past the mixed feelings that I experienced after the heartbreaks,  but the poem gave me something to relate to as it evokes a strong mood of melancholy and nostalgia. It appears as a boring poem at first, but it has deep undertones throughout it. Passers-by is a poem about recollection and melancholic nostalgia. It keeps this mood and theme consistent throughout the poem. This is why I believe that “Passers-by”) is the strongest and most impactful poem, due to its provoking mood and theme.

Throughout the poem, the author utilizes provoking figurative language. One of the stronger types of figurative language found in this poem is imagery. A quote that employs imagery is, “Out of your many faces - Flashes memories to me”. This quote illustrates a vivid image in the reader's head, which induces a melancholic feeling of comfort. The use of figurative language is used perfectly, due to its ability to produce a powerful feeling. Another quote I found that displays use of figurative language is, “To form the city’s afternoon roar - Hindering an old silence”. This quote utilizes figurative language in a way that provokes the feeling of a cold yet comforting recollection. The final quote I found that utilizes some form of figurative language is “And your throats - I read them - When you passed by”. I chose this as my final quote because of its vague yet somewhat nostalgic tone. This passes through into my next paragraph.

In this poem, the author demonstrates a strong mood of nostalgia and melancholy. It is able to keep the reader immersed by the authentic feelings that this poem bestows on the reader. A quote I found to support this is, “Throats in the clutch of hope”. This quote was chosen because of the genuine and real feelings that are sustained throughout the rest of the poem. Another quote that provides evidence to the claim is, “And prayed and toiled for”. The use of the word “toiled” perfectly displays the feelings of desperation and slight sorrow that is felt once you’re yearning for someone you have lost touch with. The final quote I found that supports my statement is, “Now at the day end”. This quote might not seem that relevant or important at first, but I believe that it well contributes to the overall mood and theme of the poem. 

Passers-by (by Carl Sandburg) is a powerful piece of literature that is capable of aiding to settle unresolved feelings of separation. It's often looked down upon for its mundane first appearance of the poem’s themes and mood, but it has deep undertones that aren’t seen from the first read. The mood of melancholic nostalgia and recollection is felt clearly and may leave some people with mixed feelings. But if interpreted in the right way, it fixes and gives something to relate to when you either are down after a heartbreak or forget about someone that meant something to you. The use of elements such as figurative language really helps communicate the message of this poem in a unique way. The mood of this poem is truly immersing and also helps communicate the overall message. “Passers-by” is a poem that leaves a strong impression on the reader, the feelings of recollection and nostalgia can be felt clearly.

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