Alternate Ending to Romeo and Juliet Free Essay Sample

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 659
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 24 September 2022

Everyone knows the sad ending of the tragedy and love story of Romeo and Juliet. But, what if we could go back in time and change everything? What if the story didn't have to have a sad ending. What if Juliet could have changed the story for everyone. As destiny would have it, by reaching the end of the game, Juliet has been given a chance to rewrite her story and change the ending. Read along and find out how Juliet saved her story. The scene of the story is set right before Romeo drinks the poison in act 5 scene 3.

"And, lips, O, you. The doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss. A dateless bargain to engrossing death." (5. 3. 113-115). As Romeo bends over to give his lady a kiss he feels something move. He glances at his lady just to see her pale and still. "My imagination is driving me insane looking for light in a dark cave." Romeo says, "Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavory guide! Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on. The dashing rocks thy seasick weary bark! " (5.3. 116-118). Romeo glimpses at his dear lady again, and back at the bottle as tears continuously drip down his face. His heart feels the sensation of Juliet breathing next to him but his mind knows it's not true. He grabs the bottle ready to drink "Here's to.." Juliet opens her eyes and looks to the side confused to see Romeo with a menacing bottle of poison in his hands. As Romeo lifts the bottle to take a sip Juliet knocks the bottle of death out of his hands.

Romeo looks to the side shocked to see Juliet awake, gasping for air, relieved that she'd woken up on time. "What were you doing? Taking your life without knowing the consequence? And what are you doing here?" Juliet scowled. "My love? How? What happened," Romeo says, still in shock. Juliet shakes her head smiling, leaning in to give Romeo a hug. "I went to the Friar when my parents told me to marry Paris. He gave me a sleeping potion so that I look like I'm dead," Juliet expresses with a smile on her face. All of a sudden, they start to hear the footsteps of people coming. "As a matter of fact, I still have some now. And I think we should both use it now," Juliet whispers. "Why dear?" Romeo replies confused. "Perhaps if our families see that we've taken our lives for each other, it will end the feud between them. If not," Juliet responds. "We shall run away to Mantua," Romeo finishes her sentence. "Yes, quickly now take some of the potions, and put the bottle of poison in your hand" Juliet hurriedly said. They both drink some of that potion and fake their death with the poison bottle in their hands.

Later that day both of their families receive news of their death. The Prince, Capulets and Montagues gather at the tombstone where Juliet and Romeo lay. Soon the Friar comes and explains all that had happened between the two. "The day that was Tybalt's last, was the day I married Romeo and Juliet. When Juliet received news of her cousin dying and Romeo's exile, she was upset about both. To make matters worse for her, Lord Capulet forced her to marry County Paris whom she didn't love. That night she came to me for advice or news that she'd take her life. I then gave her a sleeping potion to fake her death and sent Romeo a letter with the plan. That letter though never made it to Romeo." The Capulets and the Montagues look in disbelief as they realize that their fighting wasn't worth the many lives it cost. "My friend Montague, give me your hand as we lead our families into an era of peace," Lord Capulet says. Just then, Romeo and Juliet open their eyes to see their families so happy to see them awake.

Thus the fighting between the Montagues and the Capulets comes to an end. The true love of Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet unknowingly taught them a lesson and ended this feud. Both of the families lived happily ever after. The End!

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