Criticizing Our Own Precepts: Debunking the Myth about MSG (Essay Example)

📌Category: Food
📌Words: 736
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 27 August 2022

We all acquire our knowledge from somewhere: friends, family, or media. The ways that we obtain knowledge influence how we act or think. While it is important to learn and listen, we should identify misleading information in order to reconstruct or unlearn any negative preconceptions to which we may be vulnerable. 

Consumers of media are the primary people who are manipulated into believing misinformation. This initially causes consumers to spread false information as they are led to believe that their information is trustworthy. Moreover, this problem first became apparent to me when Chinese-American doctor Robert Ho Man Kwok published a statement about the negative side effects of MSG. This has led the general population to believe that not only will MSG make you sick, but that discrimination against Chinese people and their food is acceptable since a doctor claimed it to be true. However, when I became conscious about this as a result of being exposed to these prejudices, I asked myself, “Am I not ashamed of eating foods with MSG?”

When I first heard about the “Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”, I was twelve and it shocked me to see it was targeted at Chinese people. Initially, I had thought that it did not matter much; however, the term piqued my interest. Therefore, I started doing research about it and learned that MSG, otherwise known as monosodium glutamate, is a common flavour enhancer in the food we eat. Many credible sources, such as CNN, CBC, and the Government of Canada claim that MSG should not have any negative effects. In addition, I inquired of my parents about MSG and its effects, to see if they agreed with what the news had said about it being dangerous. They both agreed that I could eat a whole truckload of MSG and I would probably be fine.  

This proved to me that the media had spread misinformation about MSG, which led to many misconceptions about MSG in foods. While many people offered their own opinions — professional or otherwise — it was apparent that not only was MSG in almost all purchasable foods but proves how the danger of MSG is a myth due to how ubiquitous and harmless it can be. Instead of acknowledging or doing research, people chose to be xenophobic and take what the media had said at face value. One of the contributing factors to this media misinformation is its availability. Although not everyone pays attention to media, people will have inherent biases which the media then perpetuates. This is dangerous because many want their beliefs to be validated. Therefore, they become ignorant of anyone who shares a different opinion, only believing in the media and spouting, “I ain’t gonna listen to your nonsense!” 

Due to people such as these, there have been many efforts to combat these so-called “truths” about MSG. However, it is hard to say if it has really made a difference or changed others’ outlooks. Throughout my life, there have still been individuals who have tried to convince me that MSG is bad and to avoid it at all costs. Even if I try to convince them with the truth, they stick to their own beliefs, believing the media over those who are trying to prove them wrong. It is like leading a horse to water but being unable to force them to drink. The same could be said about climate change; even though it is scientifically proven that the world is heating up, there are people who believe that scientists are lying. This shows us how dangerous and influential media can be, yet people will continue to be close-minded when faced with the truth. 

As we continue to grow and learn, the place where we get information is important because it is hard to discern whether or not it is trustworthy. We should recognize false information as we continue to study and listen in order to reconstruct or unlearn any nonfactual notions. In general, false news that is spread about MSG has caused people to become xenophobic and unwilling to unlearn any prior misconceptions. No doubt, there are many steps that we can continue to take in order to combat the negativity surrounding MSG: by educating others, by asking them to think critically, by teaching about the importance of asking questions, and by telling them to challenge their own opinions. As the media is so prominent in today's world, I believe it is important to question everything that we hear and not take everything at face value. If we continue to believe that everything the media says is true, we will succumb to all the false information we are fed. We must continue to critically analyze, we must continue to do research, and we must continue to challenge our own precepts.

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