Essay Sample about 1960s Culture

📌Category: Culture, History
📌Words: 353
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 October 2022

The 1960s brought many forms of activism representing all different causes and walks of life. All races, sexualities, gender identities, everyone was advocating for something or felt connection to at least one cause. This time period introduced a new version of the culture in American society, completely altering the so-called “norms” of the time: wearing brighter and louder colors, growing out your hair, wearing your hair naturally, using more drugs, etc. To the majority of young folk and modern society, this new normalized culture of counterculture and activism was new and definitely a force to be reckoned with as the activist groups and impact spread like a wildfire. This newness terrified the people of the 1960’s who were, for lack of a better term, not ready for the new advancements for society especially when it is spearheaded by the younger generations of the time. A lot of the activism during the 1960s was led more by visceral emotion and passion rather than strategy and sitting back for a while then deciding what to do. For many activists, there was a dire time crunch for their issues, such as the environmentalists at the University of Illinois trying to get their point across to other activists before it was far too late to stand up and make a change. Due to the protests by the activists being directed by their direct emotional responses to the world and its issues around them, many Americans felt as though there was not much level headed direction to the activism. Rather, the activism was led by violence and destruction and looting. Since the tactics did seem to be in an attempt to grab attention of non-activists, they tended to be a bit out there or a statement or even for the sole purpose of shock factor to call attention to their cause. For example, in order to make real change, some students felt it was best to go to the office of the Chancellor of the University of Illinois and throw rocks through the windows to make a statement that they know exactly who can make change and needs to be notified of the importance of their involvement with their cause. This came across as violent so many Americans felt uncomfortable or unsafe with the tactics being used.

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