Essay Sample about The Period 1870-1900: The Gilded Age

📌Category: History, History of the United States
📌Words: 271
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 04 October 2022

From 1870 to 1900 was an amazing time in history for the United States. Major events occurred between these dates that would lead America to a period of prosperity. For example, the Gilded age which brought new technology that helped us economically, and also, the Spanish-American war because after the war the US acquired land and started forming an empire.

Technological advancement interform the U.S during the Gilded age because of many reasons but for example bridges and canals.  bridges and canals are one the big technological advancements because it makes travel and transportation easier, increasing business revenue and helping transport products cheaper.  bridges and canals helped not just the economy but also trade growth, allowing more operations/ opportunities to come from it, for example, people wanting to move more west and pick up farming.

The U.S became a powerhouse and an empire in 1945. The results from the Spanish-American War. The two big territories the U.S took over were the Philippines and Cuba. The U.S had a desire for new markets for its industrial products. When the U.S became an empire a lot of controversy and disparagement domestically because The empire kills the traditions of the native and indigenous people, there ideally is their religion and when you take that away from them they are lost.

All in all the US had major events and improvements between 1870 to 1900, shaping the country into what we see today. The U.S became in amber after the Spanish-American war and many technological investments during this time not just shaped the country but also the economic aspect. But on the other hand, to make an empire you have to do some bad things to it and in this case, the U.S robbed natives of their traditions.

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