Essay Sample on Macbeth's Thoughts

📌Category: Macbeth, Plays, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 1034
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 18 June 2022

If someone gave you an opportunity to become King of a country, would you? I know I would. So did Macbeth. Macbeth is a play written by Shakespeare that hints at King James 1st ascendancy to the throne. It sheds light on the different tragedies that happened throughout the inevitable downfall of King James. The overarching theme in this play is that Thoughts turn to words and words turn to actions and actions to habits and habits to one’s density. Though this does not show or support that other people can affect and twist those thoughts that could eventually change one’s destiny. Acknowledging that Lady Macbeth and the Witches control a large portion of Macbeth's destiny, Macbeth can only control his outcome to a certain degree. This is because the witches glorified the title of “King” and the constant degrading and overruling that Lady Macbeth displayed against Macbeth. 

What arguably changed Macbeth from this loyal, kind and noble person to an evil and paranoid person was the Witches. In the start of the story Macbeth loved Scotland and everything that came with it. He was content with his life and did not seek anything else. Until three witches appeared in front of him and Banquo. The witches presented him with these apparitions knowing that the connotation of the word “King” is associated with power, money and fame. Which in turn would encourage Macbeth to do anything to get it. In the very first scene Macbeth states, “A prosperous gentleman, and to be king stands not within the prospect of belief, No more than to be Cawdor” (I.iii.75-80). When Macbeth says this immediately after being presented with these apparitions, he is in disbelief. He does not think it is even fathomable to become King. Once he presents what he heard that day from the Witches to Lady Macbeth. He slowly starts thinking about what it would be like to be King. He then chooses to kill the king with the help of his wife, Lady Macbeth. ”I go, and it is done. The bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell. That summons thee to heaven or to hell”(II. ii. 1-10). Macbeth just killed King Duncan. The man he is was previously very loyal to. He explains that he has done the deed and that the bell of the castle made him kill Duncan whether he goes to heaven or hell.

Lady Macbeth helped aid in Macbeth's destiny because she continued to degrade and convince him to get what she inevitably wanted. When Macbeth was first presented with the option to kill the former King to become King he immediately ignored it and thought it was a terrible idea. His change in heart was due to Lady Macbeth. In which she said to Macbeth “screw your courage to the sticking place And we’ll not fail” (I.7.70-75). Lady Macbeth is pushing Macbeth to kill King Duncan because she wants the title as the queen so she is assuring him that he will not fail and to basically swallow his pride/courage and stop worrying about it. Because Lady Macbeth is able to convince Macbeth of his cowardice, he accepts her decision to kill the King. With his thoughts changing his words then change, “If th’ assassination Could trammel up the consequence and catch With his surcease success, that but this blow. Might be the be-all and the end-all here”(I. Iii. 1-10). Macbeth is saying that if he follows through with this assassination of the King that it may be the end for him if he gets caught. 

Macbeth also impacted his own destiny. Although many people convinced and changed what his original morals and thoughts were, He was the one that still committed these actions. In Scene 4 Macbeth explains that he will ensure that anyone that is any sliver of a threat to him he will murder. Starting with Macduff, “I’ll make assurance double sure. And take a bond of fate. Thou shalt not live”(IV. i.90-100). Macbeth wants to take a “double sure” and kill Macduff. This is because he has created a habit of wanting to kill anyone that defies them. He does this by choosing to take action and completely skipping using a thought process. Macbeth also choses to completely erase any thoughts or words and let every feeling he has translate to actions, “The very firstlings of my heart shall be The firstlings of my hand”(IV.i.165-170). This is arguably the biggest turning point for Macbeth's character development. He essentially chooses to not rationalize with himself as it puts to much stress on him. This is a huge choice that he has made because previously in the play he constantly battled with himself on the simplest things and what was morally wrong or right. 

One of the biggest things that changed Macbeth was his excessive paranoia. Once he became King he immediately became alert and thought everyone was coming after him. The very first person he was suspicious of was Banquo. There are many reasons but the main one is because of what the Witches said to Banquo. In scene 1 the witches tell Banquo “Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none” (I.iii.69-70). At the time this was said it had not worried Macbeth. Now that everything that the witches predicted came true for Macbeth, he now assumed it would for Banquo. The quote says that Banquo will not be a King but he will have a child that will be one. This implies that Macbeth will either die or not have kids. Once Macbeth puts the two together he automatically becomes suspicious of Banquo. He orders for him to be killed along with his kid to ensure that he continues being King, “That every minute of his being thrusts Against my near’st of life”(III.i.132-135). Macbeth explains to the murders that every second that Banquo is living is making him slowly die. This supports the pervious claim that he simply hired the murders to ensure that Macbeth will stay alive and still be King. 

In short, Macbeth made choices and decisions. Whether these were thoughts, words or actions some were dictated by outside forces. Lady Macbeth and the Witches dictated what actions he took until it eventually made him completely forget about everyone and did anything that he felt he should. However, the paranoia and greed that he developed over the course of his Kingship caused him to control parts of his own destiny. Acknowledging all of these factors, helps answer the overarching question. Macbeth's thoughts do turn into his words and then to his actions but those outside factors end up playing a large part in the words he speaks or habits he creates.

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