How The Internet Has Changed The World Essay Sample

📌Category: Internet
📌Words: 837
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 10 April 2022

The 21 century is the era of technology. Technology has been the foundation of growth and economy. For example, Artificial Intelligence has played a significant role in helping humans do jobs they can not do. It opens up education opportunities for many children and adults. Although this might be promising, many people don’t like how the internet has changed society. Scientists say that the human race has gotten addicted and focused on the internet. The internet has changed society for the better because it brings the world closer, makes our daily lives easier with the use of AI, and gives people worldwide an opportunity to get an education.

Although being very helpful, the internet can lead to a plethora of problems, specifically with online security. Users of the internet have become careless with their personal information and privacy. This is a problem because most people who stay away from the internet use this as their main reason. The internet is a big place, and many websites can take your information. Many people around the world have also gotten addicted to their personal devices.  “People no longer spend hours gazing at a computer screen after work or class; instead, they use their mobile devices to stay online everywhere, all the time”(Zaryn). Even though this can appear to be a terrible way the internet has changed society, many vpns and privacy protectors exist. These privacy protectors and VPNs block certain websites or apps that may hurt your phone.

To begin with, the internet has brought the world closer than ever before. Back when we didn’t have such good technology, we would have to look stuff up at the library and send letters to communicate. Now, however, the internet provides more accessible ways to share and research things. The introduction of social media apps such as Facebook , and MySpace have allowed a person from across the world to communicate with one another. This is very useful for society because it allows people across the globe to see what is going on in the world. Now the internet has become cheaper with different internet providers and many phones to choose from. "The internet has achieved new relevance as a political tool. It became a core element of modern political campaigns. Communication technologies such as email, web sites, and podcasts are delivering a message to a large audience much faster than earlier”(Kumar). This is the first of many reasons why the internet has changed society for the better.

In today's world the internet has introduced Ai into the world. This is a crucial development for society because it helps many people and cities. “Artificial intelligence involves computer devices learning human ways and trying to function as humans”(Yarlagadda). Although that may sound scary it can be very useful at times and is a great way the internet has changed society for the better. Ai is making hard tasks for humans easier and more efficient. Traffic for example is an everyday thing we experience now with the introduction of Ai to our society. Traffic jams will be solved more efficiently. This is done by the Ai sensors that can read and react to the road conditions. Ai is now being introduced to the health industry, transportation industry, and farming industry. Artificial intelligence is also being used in everyday life. For example the apple iPhone has a feature where you can unlock your phone using your face, this is Biometric Recognition. Biometric Recognition is using parts of the body unique to yourself or others to unlock or interact with things. Ai is the future of the world and will continue to make society smarter and more advanced.

The internet has helped in many ways and one way it has massively helped is through education. Education is very important for every child. The internet has allowed kids to teach themselves things by searching it up on google or YouTube. These websites or videos show tutorials and teach people how to do certain things. Colleges are now starting to do online classes and online learning. An example of this is online degrees. Online learning has given opportunities to many people who can’t make time to leave their house and make it to physical class. The internet and education has provided a chance for many people from around the world who can’t afford education. They can visit these online classes through video calls or an online meeting. Some websites do not teach with a physical teacher or professor. "Education is essential in corporate and academic settings. In the former, education or training is used to help workers do things differently than they did before” (Raja and Nagasubramani). Online education and learning has been a big advancement in our society. And online may be the future of schools around the world. 

Today's society has been altered and influenced by the internet for the better in ways such as bringing the world closer, education, and artificial intelligence. The world has been united with the use of the internet. Many people now know what is going on around the world with a push of a button. With the introduction of online education people can experience school and get a fair education. with the usage of artificial intelligence our day by day lives have been easier and better. In conclusion the internet has changed the world for the better in many ways. But will it continue to change for the better in the future?

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