Influence of Proximity and Similarity on Attraction Essay Sample

📌Category: Interpersonal relationship, Sociology
📌Words: 425
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 21 October 2022

Living without sight, it may be difficult to experience attraction, but by no means impossible. One variable that somebody without sight might use to experience attraction in their life could be proximity. If someone living without sight were to live close, or within a functional distance to somebody, through mere exposure, they could begin to feel attraction for another person. Closeness is a very important factor, one that negates the phrase often said that distance makes the heart grow fonder. Through closeness to another person, being able to be around the same person many times, a person can grow to be attracted to another person, even without sight. 

Through the simple variable of proximity, you can meet the same person multiple times, and each time, learn one more thing about them. Through learning more things about somebody, you can find that you have similarities. Finding similarities with another person can be a very large motivator in attraction. Studies have found that we like people who we perceive as being similar to ourselves. Further than that though, it was found that opposites do not attract. Although they may attract for a short time, and some people may be able to work it out with enough time and work, more often than not, similarities bring and keep romantic relationships together.

Through the last two paragraphs it is clear that proximity and similarities are two very important things to help somebody experience attraction, but that is not everything. Something that is much harder for some people but can truly help to jumpstart attraction is investments. Investing of time, energy, and resources into a relationship, romantic or otherwise, through helping the person out in their time of need, or being there any time to hang out, to go out, or just to talk. These very simple, but sometimes hard things to do can show a deep connection and make attraction even stronger. Investing your time and energy into a person you meet by chance, simply due to living within a short distance of each other, you can find similarities, you can invest more time, more energy, you can get that investment back if it’s the right person. 

Through all of these things, it can begin to build real, honest relationships based on a more honest form of attraction than physical attraction. Due to living without sight, they can completely avoid issues such as the Halo Effect and ‘what is beautiful is good’, because the beauty to people without sight, is from personality. The simplicity of the topics such as proximity, similarities, and investments can be extremely misleading though. Although, they can definitely help build stronger relationships, a lot of people don’t have the accessibility or mental capacity to be there for others in healthy, real ways.

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