Negative Effects Of The Internet (Essay Example)

📌Category: Internet
📌Words: 331
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 January 2022

In the article “Does the Internet Make You More – Or Less – Connected?” Dave Pell, a self-described “Web addicted” blogger, explains how the Internet has significantly influenced his day-to-day life by comparing his connections with people all throughout the web and in person. Although recognized as a benefit to connect more, he reveals there are downsides to the mechanism based on his own experiences and why people should pay more attention to the potential dangers. Pell first shares his struggles on the Internet by saying he meets new people through groups on blogs and that he is “more connected to people” he does not know; however, this leads him to feel like he is “less connected” to himself. This shows the negative effects of the Internet and how it has transformed the way he socializes and views himself as the web controls him. The author describes how he felt he was focused more on his smartphone rather than spending real quality time with friends and family in which he deemed improper. Pell then suggests, “The actual number of social interactions I have with friends hasn’t been impacted by the Internet.” This exemplifies that even though the amount of his relations has not been altered, he still feels there is an issue with the quality of his interactions with everyone having access to communication globally. The author finds it difficult to center his attention on people he knows in real life, hence, he believes the Internet is dominating his social life. Finally, the author explains how he considers the Internet a “reverse placebo effect”. Pell urges people to understand that the Internet can be highly addictive and make you feel you are missing out if you are not regularly being involved. This is shown when the author details an experience he had where he saw someone at a live concert recording a video solely for social benefit, preventing him from gaining an experience. This proves that many people today are constantly connected online. Ultimately, Pell uses his own experiences and opinions to support his idea of the Internet being something that is both a benefit and a burden.

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