Romeo and Juliet Plot Analysis

📌Category: Plays, Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 1017
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 14 March 2022

The text I am looking forward to seeing in the Year 12 English Advanced course is Romeo and Juliet by Shakespeare. I have chosen this text because it has a fascinating plot. This plot consists of two families being rivals, despite being rivals the child of each family falls in love. The concept of this text is interesting because stories like these still exist, even in modern day time. People from modernistic time periods are able to connect and relate to this text, although this text had been written between the years of 1591 – 1596. The adjectives being used, allows the readers to paint a well-defined picture in their mind about the surroundings and activities that are happening during the story. An example of this from the text is: 'Love is a smoke made with the fume of sighs'. In the prologue, the language that is being used, depicts a clear summary of what the reader is about to read. Adding this section to the text is an efficient way to draw the readers in. The prologue allowed me to have a thorough understanding of what the text Romeo and Juliet is about.

Romeo and Juliet has substantial potential to be a successful and amusing text to be studied at Wyong High School. I believe this because the use of language in the text will help students develop their understanding of Shakespeare's style of writing as well as his unique choice of phrases. An example of this is taken straight from Romeo and Juliet; 'O Romeo, Romeo, wherefore art thou Romeo?'. This quote is a very memorable part of Romeo and Juliet. I believe this is because Juliet is questioning why Romeo had to have been a Montague, in other words, she is questioning why she fell in love with her rival. In addition, this text will help the students recognise what the lives and relationships were like during the Italian Renaissance period. This follows the guidelines of learning about the 'Era's In History'. Many students may need assistance with identifying certain styles of writing as well as different uses of languages, and this text should allow growth in this area. Furthermore, this text will allow students to gain the skill to identify and analyse their text. This will help students make a judgement call as to why certain phrases, languages and/or words were used. Romeo and Juliet is a popular text, therefore students are most likely to have a basic understanding of the plot/concept. As well as being popular, this story is entertaining, so students may be more inclined to pay attention to a text that they enjoy.

The English Faculty at Wyong High should take Romeo and Juliet into consideration when organising the 2023 English Advanced program and choosing what texts should be studied in that year. Shakespeare has many pieces of work that have been and still are being studied in the English subject. Romeo and Juliet is a very captivating and amusing piece of writing, this will make it enjoyable to study for both the teacher and the students. And I believe that this text fits the general work, guidelines and syllabus that is required to be studied during this subject. Also, students will gain general skills that should fit the curriculum for Module B: Close Study Of Literature. Studying this narrative allows growth for applying critical and creative thinking/skills in their future responses to specific tasks. These specific tasks may include future English tasks that may be assigned by teachers during the year of 2023. Lastly, the staff of the English faculty are most likely to be familiar with this piece of writing as well as Shakespeare work. Romeo and Juliet is a great story to read and it would be a lovely task to study and learn more about in the future for the year 2023.

Romeo and Juliet is a great example of a text that clearly showcases what needs to be studied and learned for Year 12 Advanced English, Module B: Close Study of Literature. I would consider Romeo and Juliet to be assessed as part of this module because this text clearly encourages students to analyse their text critically and analytically. As well as encouraging them to view all possible perspectives that may be represented through this text and it's vocabulary. Also, students are encouraged to analyse the construction, content and language used when Shakespeare was writing this text. Studying this text builds an understanding of this specific text type, where unique uses of language are used. Students are motivated to view and understand the true intentions, meanings and morals of this script. There are a variety of ways that people may see this story and many people may say things that contrast one another. So it is important that the story allows students and/or people to interpret the text and it's plot the way they may see it. Romeo and Juliet is a unique and rather popular story, this is because it has a vast variety of words, and the way they have been used allows there to be room for further in depth and analytical thinking brought upon possible assumptions about the text. This ignites more students to think critically about what they are reading.

I would need improvement on some important skills in order to complete the Advanced English course in the future. I definitely need to gain a better understanding of Shakespeare's text and his use of language. I struggle to understand his work completely. Although with some extra studying of this text, I may understand certain aspects of Shakespeare's work. Additionally, I would like to have improved my skills in critically and analytically analysing a text. Gaining a better understanding as to why authors choose to write their texts a certain way would be extremely helpful in the future. If I understand why a text was made the way it was, then I will gain more knowledge of why certain decisions are made. For example, if Shakespeare had a set idea of how Romeo and Juliet would end, if he changed one slight aspect about the plot, would the story be completely different? A key skill I would like to learn is how to construct a highly effective piece of writing that clearly states my understanding of a certain topic that is assigned to me. Although there are more skills that would be useful I believe these are the major tasks I would like to have studied in the Advanced English course, along with the study of Romeo and Juliet and Module B: Close Study of Literature.

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