The Character of Lennie in Of Mice and Men Essay Sample

📌Category: Books, Of Mice and Men
📌Words: 674
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 29 June 2022

Almost every year growing up my family and I would go on vacation to northern Michigan and stay on the lake. Other than the six-hour car ride, my brother, cousins and I had the best time ever! I don’t remember exactly when it occurred but somewhere along the way my belief was formed. It wasn’t the boat trips, campfires, or even the long bike rides. It was the three amigos with wild imaginations. We stayed at the same place each year because we loved it so much. Cabin number six. Us soldiers would bring our Nerf guns, bikes, and many other tactical supplies so we could play “army”. As soon as we arrived, before doing anything else we would hop right out of the car and run to our little campsite to see if it had changed since the last year. Each year we set up a little fort on the corner of the property to fight off the zombies and other bad guys we encountered during our crazy adventures. Of course, it would always be destroyed by the other visitors and their kids, but we always took pride in rebuilding it every time.

We were always so excited to get to work. We packed our backpacks, grabbed our Swiss army knives, and got our hands dirty until, “Boys, get back here right now and help out!” Frustrated, we marched back to help unload all of the luggage and other crap that we probably didn’t need. It felt like hours passed before we had finished unpacking. When it was all said and done, we went right back to doing our jobs. My cousin and brother would gather sticks and old pieces of driftwood, while I searched for rocks and other useful things that might come in handy. After constructing that fort every year, gathering sticks and pieces of lumber when I first realized that if you wanted something done you have to do it yourself. The idea that life comes from within you and not at you.

Building that fort so many times built persistence within me and led to my belief that you have control over your life. It is not about taking life as it comes but rather controlling your destiny. Work toward what makes you happy. A reminder that it is not up to other people, it’s up to you. It takes time to realize that the world is your oyster and you have the power to make something of it. Unfortunately, many people have doubts and make excuses. They fail to realize that all it takes is a first step–and BAM! You are one step closer to your ambitions. That is why I try to make each day count and always stay focused on my goals.  

School is almost over, and it has been quite an experience with countless ups and downs. Even though I didn’t acquire perfect grades or the perfect ACT score, I have stayed true to my personal goals, following my dreams.  Pursuing theatre and acting and participating in school plays and musicals. Taking that first step helped me change my whole perspective and view of the world. I started to think less of what other kids thought about me or my interests. I made several new friends along the way and can truly say that from the first day of high school to the last, I have changed for the better.

No longer a little shy eight-year-old afraid to show his true colors, I have been introduced to this new way of life that involves confidence and a strong mentality. Even though some days can be a struggle, wanting to lay in bed all day counting the number of cars going by, I still find myself working toward my dreams ever since the first day a little spark lit up inside me.  

Going to Michigan each summer growing up as a kid and building that fort with my brother and cousins taught me that you can have the world on a string. I can choose how I live my life, and you can too. You can be the master of your fate or the captain of your soul, but you have to remember that life comes from within you and not at you. I choose to always take pride in building my fort!

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