The Importance Of The Greek Value Of Physical Strength in The Odyssey

📌Category: Homer, Literature, Odyssey, Poems
📌Words: 342
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 June 2021

In Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, he demonstrates the importance of the Greek value of physical strength while also mirroring Odysseus to an Ancient Greek epic hero. Penelope decides to hold a contest to determine who will become her next husband, the contest is a competition between the suitors with the most strength. Although many have tried to string the bow Odysseus wants to try, “just as he sat but aiming straight and true, he let fly— 

and never missing an ax from the first ax-handle” (book XXI, lines 468-469). 

Odysseus has obviously succeeded in letting the suitors know who is the strongest. He may also be seen as an epic hero for demonstrating his strength but also by being courageous. Odysseus, dressed as a beggar and returning from a twenty year journey was sure to be exhausted, yet he still tries all while the suitors say mockingly “‘I wish him luck,’ some cocksure lord chimed in, ‘as good as his luck in bending back that weapon!’” (book XXI, lines 449-450). Odysseus is courageous for trying his bow because he has grown old and didn’t know whether or not he would have succeeded. For all he knew, he could have been humiliated for trying to string the bow because he was a beggar.

Odysseus is also considered as an epic hero for sometimes being rash. By being away for so many years, Odysseus could not have known whether he would be able to win the contest. He seems surprised as he tells Telemachus that “my strength’s not broken yet, not quite so frail as the mocking suitors thought” (book XXI, lines 475-476). Although he would not know of the result, Odysseus could have suffered many consequences for trying to string the bow. He was a beggar from what they knew and the bow was precious to Queen Penelope. He didn’t realize that Antinous or any other suitor could have ambushed him and tried to kill him right after winning the contest. But by being rash, courageous and physically strong is what exhibits Odysseus as an Ancient Greek hero and the contest was a way for the author to show that the Greek value of physical strength was highly valued.

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