The Metamorphosis by Franz Kafka Analysis

📌Category: Books, The Metamorphosis
📌Words: 446
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 29 January 2022

Throughout the book, "The Metamorphosis", the lack of communication between Gregor and his family is a big conflict. The reasons that the lack of communication is such a big deal is because Gregor can not express his feeling or thoughts about what the family does or says. The family doesn't know what Gregor wants or likes or dislikes and it proves to be an issue in the life of Gregor as an insect.

The first example of Gregor not being able to communicate his thoughts or feelings is when his sister, Grete puts out food for Gregor, which he doesn't like and chooses not to eat it. If Gregor could communicate and there was some way to tell the family and his sister what he wanted and what he liked or disliked, he could've been a lot happier which would've changed his life for the better. The evidence that supports that he couldn't communicate to his family about him not liking his food is on page 152 on lines 37-44 where it states "But he soon drew it back again in disappointment, not just because it was difficult for him to eat, but also because the milk,which otherwise was his favorite drink, did not appeal to him at all.". This quote shows that Grete set out Gregor's favorite drink for him to enjoy and it didn't appeal to him at all when he is an insect. This is just one example of how communication was an essential thing between Gregor and his family, and it just didn't work as Gregor, as well as his family as hoped.

The second and final example of how Gregor's lack of communication was the number one conflict in this story is when the family started doubting that it was Gregor at all. The family started doubting the insect that appeared in Gregor's room was even Gregor, they started doubting this because the family thought the "real Gregor" would've left his room and gone on his own in the nature to save his family from all the difficulties and problems they are going through from him. The evidence from the text to prove his is on page 174 on line 109 where it states "You must try to get rid of the idea that this is Gregor. The fact that we believed for so long, that is truly our real misfortune. But how can it be Gregor? If it were Gregor, he would have long ago realized that communal life among human beings is not possible with such an animal and would've gone away voluntarily.". This quote means the family thought Gregor would've gone voluntarily, showing why they think this insect isn't Gregor. If Gregor could've said something to confirm that the insect is in fact Gregor, they would stuck with him longer and not given up hope on Gregor going back to his normal self.

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