The Multiverse Theory Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Science
đź“ŚWords: 481
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 17 October 2022


Sending your consciousness to other realities, reality shifting, is a mental activity that has gained some attention recently. There are a few theories throwing light on this topic, like the multiverse theory. Is it indeed possible, though?

Similar phenomena related to reality shifting are tulpa, lucid dreaming, maladaptive daydreaming, etc.


The concept of moving to parallel realities could be seen as when you move your subconscious while you’re sleeping, ‘shifting’ to a different reality consciously.

The nature of a reality, or of reality is a description or explanation of that a reality, or of reality. A reality for a particular person consists of that person’s interactions with altering environments. When shifting you are manipulating reality and the mind into creating and visiting another reality, this reality could already be in existence before visiting.

We have the impression that things flow smoothly but it might be an illusion, giving the impression of movement of time passing. Every choice creates a new universe, where the other possibilities get destroyed. Billions of times a second, the old universe and everything in it, is created, destroyed, and so on.

To change universes, you have to grasp the fact that you can do it and manifest it. When you can manipulate changing realities, you will find you can automatically land on the one that you want.

There are multiple methods you could follow in order to shift, most of them include meditation, subliminals, affirmations, anything to really make you trust the process of shifting to be true.


I believe shifting to be an existent thing since many young people have shifted and who share their stories in their alternative realities. As well as my own experience with shifting.

The multiverse theory also supports shifting. The theory suggests that our universe, with all its hundreds of billions of galaxies and almost countless stars, spanning tens of billions of light-years, may not be the only one. This thesis also assumes you already exist in that universe, and that you're merely transferring in consciousness there. This further backs up the argument.

Counter argument

Evidently, this could come across as absurd, since there isn’t any proof of a multiverse. But there also isn’t proof it does not exist at all. Everyone’s perspective on reality is their own and could differ, though, if you look at the study of Alfred Schütz, On Multiple Realities, featuring philosophers such as William James and Husserl. Schütz mentions that ‘this world’ is a sub-universe among many others since it constitutes specific characteristics that fit in the cognitive style of realities. When reality shifters describe their DR (desired reality; a reality which they desire to shift to) it without exception meets the criteria of the cognitive style.


With this essay, I like bringing more attention to mental activities where one escapes their current reality for their desired one. Especially for teens who want to break out of anxiety, stress, depression, etc. by e.g. shifting to a different reality. 

Nevertheless shifting or any other phenomena related, could be a really intriguing experience. Being supported by the multiverse theory, reality shifting is a truly unknown topic and I hope by acknowledging it, it got a little clearer.

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