Utopian Society Essay Example

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 577
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 27 September 2022

What is a Utopian society? What defines utopia? According to study.com, a utopian society “is one with ideal societal characteristics that aid in its well-being and communal tranquility, making it a desired society” (Grimsley). As we discussed in class, no civilization can be absolutely ideal or utopian since humans are not perfect. It is human nature to have different ways of thinking, feeling, and acting, so there will always be disagreement between human beings; “no one individual can manifest all qualities that are deemed as representing perfection to a population… a population will never absolutely agree upon what one quality constitutes perfection out of the multitude of qualities existing in a multidimensional sense in individuals” (Martz). With this said, there must be some things or qualities that we can take away, so there are not as many conflicting opinions or judgements that can be made. The answer to this is to take away politics and religion. This way, there would be two less subjects to arise conflict in society. 

Within politics, there are multitudes of different political parties that people are a part of. The major active political parties in the United States are Democratic and Republican, but there is a profound number of other parties along with these two: the Reform, Libertarian, Socialist, Natural Law, Constitution, Green Party, and at least 30 others to go along with these. Without these bureaucratic barriers that arise conflict and create division, we could live in peace and harmony. The difference in views and the unconscious prejudice would not affect daily lives, there would not be propaganda everywhere you look, and political related crimes would not be constantly happening around us. 

When it comes to religions, they are diverse and widespread. The largest religious groups in the United States are Catholics and Protestants, but there are many other religions including Mormon, unaffiliated, Atheist, Jewish, Muslim, etc. The topic of religion does not arise as much conflict as politics can, but it still contributes quite a bit. If religion was taken away from civilization, there would not be a belief in a God or praise of another object, but there would be belief and praise in each other and in society. There would be more unity with a common belief, and more faith in one another. 

In this described utopian commonwealth, we would have more commonalities to converse about with each other, and we would not have conflicting views or beliefs to drive us away from each other. As mentioned above, the “religion” of the citizens would be belief in each other; welcoming unity and acceptance. A lot of times, political topics also tie in with religious beliefs; subjects such as abortion, LGBTQ+ rights, sexuality, etc. If we did not have the set groups of religious or political parties that we do, then these issues would not drive us apart from each other. This would create a happier, healthier society. There would not be debate about who we are affiliated with, and we would be able to have more open conversations with each other. The citizens would go about their days doing their jobs, connecting with others, and going about their business without having to worry about offending anyone’s views or perspectives. There would be more commonalities among the population also, being there is no political or religious differences. 

In all, I perceive a utopian city as on that is nonreligious and lacks politics. I perceive this to result in more unity among neighbors, less turmoil for conflict, and a sense of connectedness and belief in others. Undoubtedly, any utopian society will have its flaws, but I see this society as having very few since there is reduced stress pulling people apart from each other and conflict causing subjects are taken away.

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