Process Philosophy Essay Sample

đź“ŚCategory: Philosophy
đź“ŚWords: 659
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 20 April 2022

Throughout American history, government and society have been affected by many factors. One of these factors is process philosophy. "Process Philosophy represents a process view of life that emphasizes becoming and progressive knowledge leading to a perfect society" (Ferdon, 2019, 125). Process philosophy includes the concepts of relativism, environmentalism, progressivism, and developmentalism. Specifically, the facet of developmentalism has affected education, family and marriage, and civil rights in the United States.

Developmentalism "is the view that the only way to understand where we are and why we are where we are is in the genetic method. Thus, we must trace everything back to its point of origin, follow it therefrom to where it now stands in all its complexity and, then, based on how it has developed to date, we can project where it is trending" (Martin, 2006, ch. 8). The education system, while it has changed since it was created, has not developed positively. Colonial education for upper-class boys was usually home tutors then they would be sent to college or universities. In the industrial era, many kids would work in factories and that would be their education. They would learn how to work in this environment rather than go to school. In present-day America children are required by law to go to school. "Most states cut school funding after the recession hit, and it took years for states to restore their funding to pre-recession levels.  In 2015, the latest year for which comprehensive spending data are available from the U.S. Census Bureau, 29 states were still providing less total school funding per student than they were in 2008." (Leachman, 1, 2017) Things have been cut from funding like workshops and cooking classes. While these may not seem like major things, they are. Those were fun classes that nearly every student who took them learned something. A lot of students after graduating high school and going to live by themselves are not able to cook well or fix things in their own home. 

Another idea that has changed in the United States is family and marriage.

Back in colonial times, it was the man's role to make money by going to war, or by working in politics and business. While it was the woman's role to work in the home by cooking and cleaning. In industrial times much like colonial times, men worked outside of the home in factories or businesses. While women still took care of the home. The Children had the role of going to school, working in factories, or working on the farm. 

In modern times, men and women both can work or stay at home. While kids only go to school to help with education. There are fewer gender-defined roles in modern days. Couples see each other as equals not as males being the dominant ones. All children have access to education.

A third significant adaptation in America has been civil rights. In the early 20th century women gained the right to vote, but even then racial segregation and discrimination were not only still around, but it was still prominent. From the 1950s to the 1960s Martin Luther King, Jr. spook out about racial segregation and helped everyone to be equals. Women's rights are still affected by on average making about nine percent less than men doing the same job. People of color are still affected in the way that they are polled over more for not doing anything wrong. While America's improvement is greater than most of the world America still has a long way to go. But America is still on the right path. 

Although they may seem unrelated, education, family and marriage, and civil rights have all been affected by process philosophy, but in completely different ways. Education has diminished in what students need to learn. Family and marriage have improved by not having gender-specific roles. While civil rights have improved for women and people of color. If America keeps on this path it will truly get to the point where everyone is equal. 


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Rivas, J., & Rivas, J. (2019, December 11). Eng 110: Mapping New York City. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from 

Wilcox, M. (2020). What was school like during colonial times? Colors. Retrieved November 14, 2021, from

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