Obstacles and Disadvantages in Positive Outcome (Essay Example)

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 400
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 August 2022

Some people believe that obstacles and disadvantages can’t be turned into something good, others believe they can be. The author, Lawrence Eisenberg believes that any negative situation can reveal something positive that can be done with it. He states, “From this experience, the actor concluded that in any situation in life that is negative, there is something positive you can do with it.”. Although obstacles and disadvantages might seem too negative to be turned into something good, there are many positive outcomes of obstacles and disadvantages like growth and lessons.

It is true that obstacles and disadvantages can seem too negative to have any good outcome. For example, a death of a family member and even so much as a failing grade. A family death can be caused by old age, diseases, and unknown causes. Each of which can be difficult on a person especially if you grew up or were close with them. With this in mind, a failing grade seems small, however, it could mean your future. School is important to careers and children who expect highly of themselves. They can become overwhelmed, or worse, unmotivated if they saw a failing grade. Eventually, this could lead to them giving up whether it be in school or in home life. However, even these obstacles can be turned into something good. 

Moreover, there are many positive outcomes that can be learned and promote growth. For example, the use of drugs and even historical events can be obstacles or disadvantages. In this case, the use of drugs can do a number on a person and really mess up their lives. Relationships with the said person can be harmed and the person themselves. Drug use can be a difficult obstacle in someone’s life as it is addicting. However, strength, will, and determination can be brought out in a person when trying to quit. Even after quitting, they learn to value their relationships and their own health, two positive outcomes during and after a difficult obstacle. Additionally, historical events such as World Wars can promote growth in a nation. As detrimental as the wars were, they promoted economic expansion. This caused nations to thrive, one example being The Great Depression. It was a time of suffering for the people and the nation. Jobs were hard to come by making money scarce. When World War II came around, the Depression ended, supplying jobs to unemployed people, promoting growth, a positive outcome.

In essence, even though some obstacles and disadvantages can seem too negative to have a positive outcome, any obstacle or disadvantage has a good outcome in the end.

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