Analysis Essay: The Mysterious Benedict Society and Film 9

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 475
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 July 2022

In the film "9" by Shane Acker and the book "The Mysterious Benedict Society'' the doll "9" from the movie 9 and the human "Reynie" from The Mysterious Benedict Society. They both take courage to attempt to stop somebody. 9 awakens to see he is a stuffed toy living in a world constrained by robots without any more people. He experiences a robot during his walk while encountering another doll. He wants to defeat all the robots after his friend gets taken away. However, his mates refuse to help him since they don't have the courage to try. This is interchangeable to The Mysterious Benedict Society, on the grounds that Reynie decides to be in a group to overcome somebody who was controlling kids utilizing a robot/machine. Reynie and the group bring courage to bring down Mr Curtain.

To initiate, in the book "The Mysterious Benedict Society". Reynie enters a test to go to the "Boatwright Academy". During the test, one of the inquiries was " Are you brave?" Reynie says " I might want to think so". This demonstrates that he has the courage in him, but he is simply not showing it yet. I feel that he was put in the following test in view of this response, prompting the courage later on in the story. I anticipated that this is valid in light of the fact that Kate Wetherall said "I didn't pass, no one in my session did.". To back up my prediction, this implies either Kate replied: "yes" for the inquiry "Are you brave?" or it was a direct result of everything Kate expressed " To tell you the truth, I think that the only reason they let me stick around was because I helped the Old Yellow Suit out of a tight spot."(Stewart 41).

In the film 9, 9 says “The Beast--that's what took 2! If we hurry we could save him-". Presently since he found a gathering of dolls like him, After not daring to fight the monster because he was alone, he considered bringing down the robots with his mates. This shows that he has the courage to save 2 from the threatening monster. In any case, while the 1 will not save 2 in view of the "rules", 9 demands to go to save him. He persuades 5 to come, expressing "Come with me. I can't do it alone.". With this line, 5 at last gets the courage to go with him. Now with 9 and 5 gone, the rest of his mates follow after them because they wanted to help him succeed, without 9, they probably would live hiding forever.

Eventually, in the book The Mysterious Benedict Society. Mr Benedict notices the children to monitor the progress they've made. Subsequent to seeing them go through so much, he expresses "The courage of these children, I have seen nothing like it." From here, Mr Benedict accepts that the kids dare to prevail in the mission, this makes Mr Benedict not pressured until the end of the book since he has confidence in the children.

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