Article Analysis of Why More Teenagers and College Students Need to Work While in School

📌Category: Articles
📌Words: 427
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 April 2022

In “WHY MORE TEENAGERS AND COLLEGE STUDENTS NEED TO WORK WHILE IN SCHOOL” By Jeffrey J. Selingo, Selingo proves why students should work in high school and while in college and how it is beneficial to their school, work, and career ethics, and how students not working affects that.

Students should work throughout high school because it is a helpful mindset.  As Selingo states “Research has shown that students who are employed while in high school or college allocate their time more efficiently, learn about workplace norms and responsibilities, and are motivated to study harder in their classes so they can achieve a certain career goal.” (Selingo, 4) .It has been proven that students who have a job have a better mindset to achieve their goals and are more likely to be successful with achieving their goals, whether it be career goals or everyday goals. “Working part-time while going to school also improves self-awareness.” (Selingo 11). Even working part-time can be beneficial to you as a person. Students should also work throughout their high school career because it teaches people to get into a habit with the everyday things they learn. As Selingo states “A job teaches young people how to see a rhythm to the day” (Selingo 11), “...showing up on time, keeping to a schedule, completing a list of tasks, and being accountable to a manager who might give them their first dose of negative feedback so they finally realize they’re not as great as their teachers, parents, and college acceptance letters have led them to believe.” (Selingo 11) .Getting a job during high school puts you into reality, like what the real business world is like, having consequences for your actions and having to take major responsibility.

Students not working causes an uproar in stress; As Selingo states “Colleges increasingly treat students as customers, and it leaves those students unprepared for the travalies of full-time work in the real world.” (Selingo 14). Not having any work experience can cause students to be stressed with the amount of knowledge that is unknown and can cause disruption for them with their future jobs. “The more students can work in jobs alongside a variety of generations that help them better understand specific career paths… the better off they are going to be in launching into the world of work after college.” (Selingo 15) This quote shows how the more experience these young adults get, the more likely they are to be successful and prepared for their microenvironment.

Selingo proves why students should work in high school and while in college and how it is beneficial to their school, work, and career ethics, and how students not working affects that. Students need to work during high school and college to prepare them for the real world.

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