Causes of Imperialism between 1890 and 1910 Essay Example

📌Category: History
📌Words: 403
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 March 2022

Without a doubt, imperialism was the root of many economic and cultural problems, but what was the cause of it between 1890 and 1910?  For starters, imperialism is essentially gaining power by ruling other countries, potentially gaining certain assets.There are many reasons for why this happened, including the need for a greater military, some wanting certain racial and religious beliefs to be spread, and political aspects. Though, the primary cause of imperialism during this time was the economic competition, since materials and markets obtained by other countries were very valuable to others.

Many actually believe that Imperialism during 1890 and 1910  was caused by moral or social points, such as the White Man's Burden and the fear of those from poor nations coming to the United States. Undeniably, racism was evident during this time. According to an article, “Europeans often held racist ideas of their own superiority to those in foreign lands”, these citizens believed that they were so much better than the natives, therefore they thought they had a right to their wealth and goods. In  Document 4 it is also stated that there was  “concern that the Filipinos were incapable of self-rule, and fear that if the United States did not take control of the islands”, their feeling of superiority made them in turn feel obligated to make such judgments. 

Contrary to this belief, the economy was actually the main origin of imperialism. The desire to make money is obvious, but it was more than that.  There was also the desire to get access to new resources, markets, and investments. It is said that they “wanted access to cheap raw materials and natural resources such as rubber, petroleum, manganese, palm oil, cotton, and indigo. They also hoped to modernize other areas and make markets, or places to sell their manufactured goods”.  These strategies were the foundation of a greater and stronger economy, which is why they were so sought after.  In Document 6 it is also mentioned that “ Hawaii would be useful, not to say indispensable, in sending supplies and reinforcements to the Americans in the Philippines. Champions of a powerful navy also took a leading part in the discussion”. Hawaii's natural resources made them especially desired. 

To summarize, the aspiration of prosperity and an abundance of resources was the key reason for imperialism during 1890 and 1910. The pressure to have an all around powerful economy motivated the hunt for colonies to gain influence as well as power over. The more materials, the more profit, which in turn meant more money and power over other countries not involved.

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