Civilization vs. Savagery: Lord of the Flies Essay Example

đź“ŚCategory: Books, Lord of the Flies, William Golding, Writers
đź“ŚWords: 599
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 03 April 2022

Stranded on an uninhabited island, no authority, no rules, would savagery take over, or would civilization save the day? In William Goldings’ novel Lord of the Flies the idea of civilization vs. savagery shows up a multitude of times. The possibilities of what might occur without authority, or structure for an elongated period of time are endless. Nevertheless, savagery would more than likely take hold of whatever civilization, or morals are left among the people.

Only a few days in, a reenactment of the killing of their first pig at the assembly was gruesome. Jack was quite keen on making sure the boys hunted a pig, not only for the fact of getting meat, but for the satisfaction and bragging rights that it came with. It was the only thing on his mind, the only thing he really was worried about. When himself, and his hunters had finally followed through with his goal, he was elated. More satisfied, more elated with himself than he had probably ever been. Him and his hunters had even come up with their own little chant, “Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Bash her in.” (Golding 75). This chant not only shows new morals among the boys, but also the innocence lost that causes savagery to arise within. To have this much satisfaction, and this much enjoyment over taking the life of another living thing causes concern. How much longer until they take it any further? 

Over the course of time, Jack becomes frustrated with speculations of a beast, and complaints of rules. He radiates his confidence, his immortality, and his fearlessness. “Bollocks to the rules! We’re strong - we hunt! If there’s a beast we’ll hunt it down! We’ll close in and beat and beat and beat - !” (Golding 91). Jack throws around many promises not only for himself, but for the other boys around him to keep. The things Jack is promising these boys will do, may or may not go against someone's morals. The act that they may commit could most definitely be considered savage. This may be something that pushes everyone over the edge into some kind of savage mindset that one might not be able to come back from,

Furthermore, towards the end of the novel after Jack and his hunters disbanded from the group, they attacked, and stole from Piggy, Ralph, and the rest of his group. Jack, not giving any other thoughts, or any remembrance of how they used to work together, and of being civil with one another decides he wants to totally and savagely beat, and steal from his former friends. Not only does he just steal, he steals Piggy's glasses, something that is needed to help him navigate his way through life. “We’ve just had a fight with the others.” (Golding 167). Ralph and Piggy were in disbelief. They had no thought, no remarks, nothing, just pure disappointment and questions. Savagery had really taken hold of Jack, and he was no longer the same Jack he was on the first day he arrived on the island. Taking something someone needs of all things just for personal use, and power is insane. One might think what has taken over these boys?

If stranded, without any kind of organization or command, savagery would more or less take over and destroy whatever morals, structure, or civilization was left and created. As seen with the evidence provided, throughout the entire novel, at different periods of time the theme of civilization vs. savagery has bounced around. Whether it be over a petty argument, obtaining food, or taking something from someone else for a power gain, it has taken hold of characters within the novel. If our world were to lose touch with reality, and all civilization somehow disappeared, what might happen? Would we all make our own rules and decisions, or would our morals save us from doom?

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