Compare and Contrast Essay: The World Is Too Much with Us and I Wandered Lonely as A Cloud Poems

📌Category: Poems
📌Words: 526
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 01 April 2022

Nature is a clean and open beginning of renewal, according to Romantics; the one commonly emphasizes the glory and advantage of nature throughout the Romantic ending. Poets, experts, novelists, and theorists all believe things as they are, and can specify healthful excitements and standards. William Wordsworth, a notorious Romantic dramatist, circles many of the welcome verses about the type and its capacity containing welcome “The World is Too Much With Us” and “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud. While ¨I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and ¨The World is Too Much With Us both use strong personification and similes; however, the themes of both poems are distinctly different. Although the two compositions have various tonal approaches, they two together have the same decision that character is a need for all human beings.

William Wordsworth's poems used very strong personification in each of the poems. The world is too much with us and talks about how we ruin the world and the ¨sea that bares her ¨ (Wordsworth Line 5). It gives the concept that she was exposed to the Heavens. Wordsworth appears to expect that the only enlightened individual is the one who is able to anticipate the certain. I wandered as a lonely cloud showed that as they walked ¨waves danced¨ (Wordsworth Line 13). The use of organic objects like the stars, plants, the clouds, plains, hills, ponds, and the breeze/waves symbolizes that the type is the only beginning of inspiration in the speaker’s life. He derives welcome emotional food from remembering the beauty and dance of the flowers. The personification he used shows how he was through it all.

The poems used very good similes in their writing. Wordsworth talks about how they are ¨like sleeping flowers¨ (Wordsworth Line 7). Giving these parts of the type human attributes helps the lecturer to feel this relation accompanying character. It paints an exact likeness character and admits the reader to comprehend what he is missing out on by being involved in worldly properties and excess. Even the title of the “I wandered as a lonely cloud” is a simile (Wordsworth Line 5). The term “wandered” was ambulatory, innocent of their freedom. The writer refers to himself as the “cloud” in the figurative sense of the word. 

The main difference between The world is too much us and I wandered lonely as a cloud. The theme of the world is too much humans should have strayed from their primitive lifestyle because we are destroying nature with our busy lifestyles. The lyricist contends that people have abandoned their energies for material gains. In fact, all text of the lyric denounces the desire for possessions that the poet has visualized about him. The theme of I wandered lonely as a cloud is Nature and human involvement causes natural beauty. It still points to another idea – the impact of nature on humans. The lyric circumscribes the concepts of an adult; the reason he meanders over the hills, and by means of what this sudden occurrence is sanctification in his aloneness.

Everybody has various habits of expressing their impressions. William Wordsworth desired to express his impressions through writing. When writing welcome poems, humanity and character were not combined. In order to express in what way or manner, he felt about that, William Wordsworth secondhand romantic elements. Romantic aspects in the way that nature, emotion, and individuality are what helped set the communication behind the lyrics of his poem.

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