David Levithan's Every Day Thesis-Driven Essay

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 597
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 27 March 2022

Do you know anyone that’s in a position of power that makes decisions without being responsible for the future of others? Well, that is bad and during the book Every Day, A demonstrates that he can make responsible choices. A has many realizations of the power he holds throughout the book and shows that he knows better than to use it for wrongdoing. Although A has the potential for evil, he chooses good and shows this in many different interactions throughout the book.

During the book A likes to keep people’s lives intact and follows a daily lifestyle such as that person would in a normal day. When A wakes up in a body he looks to find personality traits or normal routines to follow to not disturb the day. “Normally I would take these as parameters. Normally I would stay within Nathan’s safe zone” (Levithan 68) This evidence supports my thesis because it shows that A understands the consequences for messing with someone’s life and chooses to try and live a normal day. A is being responsible and having empathy for the person and what can happen if he does something wrong.

When A is in the body of Rhiannon, he has many opportunities to perv on her or take advantage to learn things about her that she wouldn’t want him knowing. A wakes up as Rhiannon on day 6015 and knows she wouldn’t want him there and that he needs to be careful with his actions because the repercussions could be bad.” The only way to get through this is to live the day as Rhiannon would want me to. If she knows I was here and I have a feeling she will I want her to be certain that I didn’t take any advantage.” (Levithan 189) This quote represents the thesis because A is acknowledging the responsibility he has and that he could take advantage of her and do bad things. But also understands what will come with those actions and doesn’t want Rhiannon to be mad at him.

At the end of the book, A realizes how out of hand things have gotten between him and Nathan and Rhiannon. He ultimately chooses to move on for the greater good of the people around him. When A is on his date with Rhiannon in Alex’s body, he tells her that they both must move on because things will never work.” Because I have to go, Rhiannon. For real this time. I have to go far away.  There are things I need to find out. And I can’t keep stepping into your life. You need something more than that. ” (Levithan 319) This evidence supports my thesis because it demonstrates the empathy he has for others and shows that he knows that this relationship will never work and will only cause pain so he chooses to move on for the greater good. A also understands that things won’t be getting better with Nathan and Nathan will only bring him to Reverend Poole who he is trying to avoid at all costs.

All these situations show how A represents the quote “With great power comes great responsibility” because he chooses not to commit heinous crimes, not to take advantage of the bodies he’s in, and look out for the future of others and the impact he can have on them. During life, there will be many situations that we encounter where we may have to make an important choice. It is crucial that we have a responsibility in our choices to not negatively impact others because it could come back to bite us. This essay helps you understand this concept with examples from the book Everyday by David Leviathan. Although A had the potential for evil, he understood the responsibility he had and showed this in many different interactions throughout the book.

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