Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card Book Analysis

đź“ŚCategory: Books
đź“ŚWords: 564
đź“ŚPages: 3
đź“ŚPublished: 23 February 2022

Have you ever wondered if your words were able to calm people from getting in their heads or having their nerves flare-up? In the novel Ender’s Game, by Orson Scott Card, Valentine has the intelligence that will inspire readers from her heartfelt and thoughtful words. In the novel, Ender, who is the main character, gets drafted to go to war in space. Valentine and Peter, his siblings, are left behind at their house. Valentine is an 11-year-old girl who has big hopes for her brother and everyone she knows. She tries to do everything she can to protect Ender from Peter who was their sadistic little brother. Valentine is able to use her intelligence to inspire readers to be calm in a state of cruelty within their world.

Through Valentine’s conversations with her siblings, the audience can see that she is trying to calm people with her words. Valentine shares is preaching to Peter about pretending to be someone versus to be something that you are not. She says, “Perhaps it’s impossible to wear an identity without becoming what you pretend to be” (189). This quote is important because she explains to Peter the importance of being who he is instead of being someone different. The diction in this section, specifically “impossible...without..[and] pretend” tells the reader that Valentine cares enough about Peter to tell him that he’s dumb so that he doesn’t get hurt. Additionally, halfway through the chapter, she says, “Peter, you’re twelve years old. I’m ten. They have a word for people our age. They call us children and they treat us like mice” ( 116). This quote is important because she explains to Peter how they get treated differently since they’re younger than everyone else. The diction, “ they have...call us...[and] treat us” goes to show they she is really trying to get her point across. When Valentine speaks with Peter, she makes an argument about how arrogant Peter is, she says, “No you haven’t. You only think of things like that when I’m with you. I bring out the best in you” (114). This quote is important because she brings out the best in her older brother, he can be troublesome and infuriating at times but she makes him a better person and is doing all of these things for him. This is seen when she uses the words “I...make [and] better person”. These words show how much she cares because you can tell that she genuinely means it. Finally, Valentine spoke with Peter about Ender and her internal monologue shows how she feels. Valentine stated, “She couldn’t explain what it was like to think of her little brother, who was so good, whom she had protected for so long” (129).  Midway in the chapter,  Valentine is speaking briefly to someone about her feelings about the situation she is in with Peter and Ender. Valentine is trying to keep Ender safe as though Peter is a harm.  This quote used phrasing such as “think...good...[and] protected”. It proves how much she cares for Ender and his well-being as she wants the best for him and wanted to protect him as long as she could. It’s important to Valentine that she talks to her siblings because, if she were not to, then they would probably get in trouble. Valentine is like the mom of the group and she must protect them from harm. Throughout the book, valentine gives a lot of mental and physical notes and ways that she protects her siblings as well. These were all ways that Valentine was able to inspire readers to know that she’s genuine in her feelings about her siblings.

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