Essay Example Of Ambition In To Kill A Mockingbird

📌Category: Books, To Kill a Mockingbird
📌Words: 427
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 June 2022

The book To Kill a Mockingbird is all about ambition; it is shown multiple times in the book. The author uses Static Characters, and Dialogue to show the ambition that is needed. The main theme in To Kill a Mockingbird is ambition. It is shown 2 mainly times in the book and that is when Atticus has ambitions to defend Tom  robinson. The other time is when the children are ambitious to know the secrets about the boo radley house.

The author uses Static Characters to show that Atticus is ambitious to defend Tom robinson. In part 2 of the book a rape acusion is filed on Tom Robinson and he is acused of raping a girl. There is one main reason why Atticus is defending Tom Robinson. The author states “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win,” (Lee 76). This shows that he is ambitious to defend him because he is saying that there is no reason not to try to win. Static Characters are used in this quote because it is showing how Atticus has not changed throughout the story at all and has always been the same old grumpy man.

The author uses Dialogue to show that the children are ambitious about wanting to learn more about the boo Radley house and more about boo Radley himself. At the start of the book, the children are afraid of the book Radley house and are fascinated by it. The author uses dialogue between 2 characters to show that the children want to know more about Boo Radley and the house. Scout states “ Why do you reckon Boo Radley never runs off” and Dill responds “Maybe boo doesn't have anywhere to run off too” This is showing that the children are ambitious to learn more about boo Radley because a scout is asking dill a question and when dill responds he doesn't respond confidently so he does not know that it is true. Also, they are ambitious because Scout asks Dill instead of Atticus because he might face asking Atticus and will not know the truth and could get lied to.  The author is using dialogue between 2 characters to show how they are ambitious to know more about boo Radley.

In conclusion, the main theme in To Kill a Mockingbird is ambition. It is ambition because it is shown multiple times in the book about key moments like knowing more about boo Radley and the case of tom Robinson. If the theme was not ambition then Atticus wouldn't have tried so hard to defend him and the children would not be asking each other questions about the boo Radley house.

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