Essay Example on Biography of William Shakespeare

📌Category: William Shakespeare, Writers
📌Words: 844
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 28 August 2022

William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, his birthday is also called St George’s Day. William Shakespeare lived in Stratford-upon-Avon, United Kingdom. William Shakespeare died on April 23, 1616, when he was 52 years old. The eldest son of John and Mary Shakespeare, William Shakespeare was born in 1564. John Shakespeare was also a glove maker and also a wool dealer. He was involved in Money. lending he was granted a coat of award in 1596, elevating his status in his town. Before William was introduced to the family, they had an infant daughter named Joan but was the only one that survived with William. His other sister Margaret died when she was born. Anne died at the age of eight, and William’s family and siblings did not have a long life. William had no direct descendants in his family tree all of his grandkids died before marriage. Ann Hathaway gave birth to  Judith Quidney, Hamnet Shakespeare, and Susanna Hall. Susanna was accused of adultery with Rafe Smith, a Stratford haberdasher, by John Lane in June 1613. According to him, Smith had given her a venereal disease. Lane had a grudge against John Hall, as it turned out. Lane failed to appear in court when Hall sued for slander. Hamnet Shakespeare died at the age of eleven and did not have a long life and a good future. 

William’s family lived in poverty. They could not afford to go to the doctor’s or even get the medicine they needed to save their children and unfortunately, not many of the Shakespeare’s survived. William Shakespeare went to school at King Edward VI Grammar School when he was seven. At school, William’s sisters would stay home and help their mum out because girls were not permitted at the school at that time. Her first child, Elizabeth, was born in 1608 after she married John Hall. She was married twice, once to Thomas Nash in 1626 and once to John Barnard in 1649. Neither of her husbands had children.

Stratford-upon-Avon buried Hamnet on 11 August 1596 when he was 11 years old. It is unknown what caused his death.

Judith Quiney and Thomas Quiney were married in 1616, and they had three sons: Shakespeare Quiney, who died in infancy, Richard and Thomas Quiney, who both died within a month of each other in 1639. There were no children or marriages between them before their deaths.

When William Shakespeare grew up, he moved to London in 1592, he worked as an actor and a writer, and he soon fell in love with writing and acting, He loved reading about the lives of great men and writing about their dilemmas, this is why he wrote so many plays about great historical people like Julius Caesar. When William died, he was still very successful and some people have thought that Shakespeare has been a big change in poetry and still to this day we still talk about his plays and he has inspired so many people with his poetry and his writing.

William's poems were more of reality and romance poems, like love and life and what he has experienced or what others have experienced, William writes his poems to express himself and his challenges and feelings that are urging him to write. William used a type of poetry technique known as 'Black verse' when he wrote his poems. The black verse is a style of poetry that uses unrhymed lines of iambic pentameter and is the technique he used for his poems. Shakespeare's plays are characterized by long vowels that convey a sense of deliberateness, seriousness, and nobleness. He uses words like 'world', 'sighs', 'wondrous', 'loved', 'woo', and so on, long vowels combined with soft consonants, resulting in his distinctive speech pattern. Actors can stretch out lines such as 'She gave me a world of sighs' at their leisure, but they are not meant to be spoken quickly.


Shakespeare married Anne Hathaway in November 1582, and the couple remained together until Shakespeare died in 1616. William was 18 when he married Anne, who was 26 and pregnant They had their first child. Anne would have been an eligible young lady of her time since the average age of marriage was 26. William, on the other hand, was still a minor in the eyes of the law, so Anne's father had to give his permission for him to marry her. Shakespeare's early marriage also prevented him from completing an apprenticeship. 

Sonnet 18 is one of William Shakespeare's most famous and popular poems. In it, Shakespeare praises his beloved's beauty and describes how it is superior to a summer day. Throughout this poem, the theme is love’s stability and its ability to immortalise someone. One of William Shakespeare's most famous and touching sonnets was Sonnet 18, one of 154 that he wrote and many of his best works were also sonnets. The sonnets were initially published in 1609, seven years before his death, and their remarkable quality has kept them in the public eye ever since. Shakespeare's sonnets are unique in their depth and range." Sonnet 18" describes the loveliness of a friend or lover, beginning with a rhetorical question and comparing it to a summer day. Next, he describes an English summer's day, as well as the less welcome dim sun and rough winds of autumn. Ultimately, the poem implies that the lover of the poem's subject can defy even death and live forever thanks to this piece of poetry.

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