Essay on Value Truth

📌Category: Philosophy
📌Words: 316
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 June 2022

Knowledge can be both positive and negative; as well as, overwhelming and enlightening. When it comes to seeing the truth it is no different. Overall, truth can be an outlet to grow from and a place to let go of past perspective, yet this doesn’t change the fact that the truth can also bring anger/disbelief and a loss of control.

Understanding the truth can bring new growth and help with gaining different perspectives. For example, In The Neglected Senses the narrator agreed to walk through town blindfolded. This experience was scary for the narrator, yet she allowed herself to let go and find the truth of a new point of view. It also teaches a valuable lesson about not being stuck behind our own blindfolds and keeping ourselves hidden away from others' positions. This truth helped her go about her life in a different way. Next, once in class while talking about past history. A classmate was surprised to hear about what happened so many years ago. He took this information and matured from it. Growing his understanding of history and helping him develop more deeply in his studies.

Truth can also give some an overwhelming feeling of anger/disbelief and a feeling of a loss of control. For example, in Oedipus the king, Oedipus was disrupted when he was told about the curse he had; as well as, where he came from. This truth caused him to become distasteful and angry. His actions after this point resulted in death and misfortune as he was too overwhelmed to grasp the situation. Also, the blind man who knew the truth of oedipus got nothing positive from his knowledge. It only gave him chaos and made him have conflict with oedipus. Knowing the truth only complicated his life.

Truth can end with positive effects and negative effects. It can result in anger, loss of control, a place to grow, and can give you a new perspective. This is important as the truth can show that unawareness can be bliss just as knowledge can be power.

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