Essay Sample: The Scarlet Letter Sin And Redemption

📌Category: Books, The Scarlet Letter
📌Words: 337
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 January 2022

There are many times in stories when characters might speak the truth about an important subject because they feel as though it must have had to be said. For instance, Audre Lorde states, “I have come to believe over and over again that what is most important to me must be spoken, made verbal and shared, even at the risk of having it bruised or misunderstood” This symbolizes the importance of not living life in shame and facing the consequences of expressing the truth, which is still a popular approach that authors utilize to elicit action from readers.

Dimmesdale, Chillingworth, and Hester are the three primary characters in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s tale The Scarlet Letter, who also symbolize the importance of truthful speech. Hawthorne’s characters are described as complex and unique. Each character has lied at least once about their personality or identity. Hester Prynne is the story’s key character, and she was young, tall, and attractive. Hester is the carrier of the Scarlet Letter, which is a shame because she was a strong-willed and independent young woman. She had sinned and had to reveal her sin to the entire community by wearing the scarlet letter “A”. The scarlet letter “A” represents her infidelity, for which she faced a great deal of remorse. However, the community is unaware of Hester’s infidelity. She can do absolutely nothing but despise herself for lying for the next seven years, allowing her guilt to consume her. Accordingly, the meaning behind Hester’s guilt-leading, apologetic speech to her community is related to the quote by Audre Lorde.

Unfortunately, many people haven’t encompassed and manifested this quote in their lives properly. Therefore, they experience a lot of shame, guilt, rejection, and experience a lot of judgment. We learn from this story that keeping such crucial information inside rather than dealing with uncommon occurrences within our lives can lead to further issues down the line, which can then permanently damage us. Therefore, admitting our wrongs, fears, and insecurities in a safe place where we are able to heal ourselves and move forward is the correct way to cope with them. That’s how I perceive this quote and how it connects to the story and our characters.

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