Healthy Food Access for All People (Essay Sample)

📌Category: Food
📌Words: 157
📌Pages: 1
📌Published: 17 July 2022

Universal access to safe and nutritious food is a human right, all citizens require the opportunity to eat healthy food.

First, safe and nutritious food is a basic need and a human right and is prioritized for the most vulnerable. Therefore, people living in poverty without access to safe and nutritious food are being deprived of their rights. Nearly 2.37 billion people in the world do not have proper access to adequate food.

Further, food contamination causes approximately 420 000 deaths worldwide each year, and having access to safe and nutritious food can reduce the risk of chronic diseases including, heart disease, strokes, diabetes, some types of cancer, and many more.

Also, the consumption of healthy foods supports children's growth and development. It is scientifically proven that 80% of children's mental and physical growth happens during the first 5 years after birth. Thus, it is crucial to have access to healthy food.

One can see that nutrition and healthy foods are a human right and all people should have access to them daily.

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