Hypocrisy in The Crucible Essay Example

📌Category: Plays, The Crucible
📌Words: 708
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 17 March 2022

Hypocrisy can be defined as; “The practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform.” Of which is the main theme within the composition coined The Crucible. Along with the progression of the aforementioned composition the theme of Hypocrisy evolved throughout. This evolution goes in tandem with the progression of the composition in terms of reaching the climax. For example hypocrisy can be identified within multiple characters like John Proctor, Abigail Williams, and Reverend Parris. Being an instrumental portion of the play; the theme of hypocrisy plays an instrumental role within the climax of the play. 

Within the conception of the play of which pertains to act one and the onset of act two contains an early depiction of hypocrisy, viz; “Now look at you, child, your punishment will come in its time. But if you trafficked with spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with this.” (Act 1. Page 10. Line 18). Reverend Parris represented the theme of hypocrisy of the latter adduce. As a man of god and by proxy a reverend he would value himself as a valued citizen, but alternatively he is depicted as a self centered man who mainly cares about his reputation with the citizens. He continues with this throughout the conception of the play. For instance; “Now, Goody Ann, they only thought that they were a witch, and I am certain there was no element of witchcraft here.” (Act 1. Page 14. Line 5). Considering the latter adduce explains the fact that when Abigail Williams is being questioned about witchcraft, and of which would tarnish the reputation of reverend hale, he begins to repudiate these accusations rather than share what he is inquiring. 

John Proctor represents himself as a godly man who preaches the evils of adultery, and ironically he is found to have been having an affair with Abigail Williams. Proctor resents hypocrisy and of which has caused him to be resented by Salem for exposing those who are being foolish. Because of this he feels uneasy about the fact that he has had an affair with Abigail, and of which was found out by Elizabeth Proctor which caused her to release Abigail from her services, viz; “What keeps you so late? It’s almost dark.” “I was planting far out to the forest edge.” “Oh, you’re done then.” (Act 2. Page 49. Line 1-3). Act one had already alluded to the fact that Elizabeth had suspected of the affair, and the latter adduce further exemplifies this. John Proctor had been out with Abigail that day which would explain why he was late after “Planting seeds.” Hypocrisy evolves further beyond this point; collectivizing upon a singular subject within the climax of the play.

The denouement of this composition of which pertains to act 3 to act 4 contains hypocrisy that leads into the climax of the play. Of which pertains to hypocrisies final evolution as a theme. Abigail Williams depicts herself as a prideful woman who follows in the path of god. But she has been found to have been participating in an affair with John Proctor. As well as this she also lies. Like when she lied about that Elizabeth had multiple poppets and had a needle within it. As well as this she also staged a false accusation on Mary Warren  for witching her and multiple others.  “Aye, sir. Abigail Williams-, ''What of Abigail Williams?” “ I came to think he fancied her. And so one night I lost my wits and put her out on the high road.”  “Goody Proctor always kept poppets.” “I-I know not. A wind, a cold wind, has come.” (Act 3, Page 108, Line 28). The latter quotes exemplify the fact that she will do anything in order to draw attention away from her and towards others. She would rather incite panic rather than own up to her misdeeds. Being the final evolution of the theme hypocrisy; it exemplifies the climax of the play and leads it into the falling action of the composition.

The evolution of themes within The Crucible, and more specifically the theme of hypocrisy runs in tandem with the progression of the novel. Within the beginning of the composition Hypocrisy is identified by Reverend Parris’s self centered attitude, John Proctor’s ironic cross between his teachings and his affair and Abigail’s self preservation tactics along with her affair with John proctor. Abigail, being the abject breadwinner within this composition when it comes to the theme of hypocrisy.

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