Importance of Masks and Costumes in Theater Essay Example

📌Category: Art, History, Theatre
📌Words: 920
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 30 August 2022

To say masks and costumes are a part of theater would be an understatement. From the Theatre of Dionysus to modern day theater like Enron by Lucy Prebble. Here's why masks and costumes make theater, theater.

I am going to go over the importance, history, and value masks and costumes bring to theater. Firstly the usage of masks was in ancient greece. In attempts to impersonate the god Dionysus, people wore goat skin over their face and drank wine. This religious practice was the first use of masks. Now being able to visually see and hear from the symbol of Dionysus. Theater was born. With the connection of sight and allure is what makes theater alive. Now with the development of the Theatre of Dionysus. Masks and costumes start getting more elaborate. With the addition of painted canvas or leather. In ancient Greece they didn't have microphones like we do today. So they cleverly made masks into a shape that amplified their voice. These masks were large and heavy. Shaped to make certain expressions and human attributes like hair. 

The costumes worn in these plays were everyday garments of the Greeks. This included a body stocking, a draped woolen garment called a chiton, an under tunic and a form of draped outerwear. Sometimes a clock. Furthermore, more important characters wore more complex colorful versions of everyday attire. Getting further along is history during the middle ages masks were used in mystery and biblical plays. Medieval theater was highly influenced by the Catholic Church. Most often masks were used to symbolize a demon, angel, or creature. Accompanied by matching medieval garments like stockings, ropes, or tunics. A notable theatrical use of masks of the era would be Seven Deadly Sins. These nifty masks were made of paper-mache and took complex craftsmanship to make. 

Furthermore in renaissance times theater was becoming more influential and a multifaceted art. Notable plays like harlequinade comedies used black masks that merely covered the eyes. Sometimes with an elongated nose these heavy leather masks were the first use of half masks. These Elizabethan Masquerade Masks are famously referenced in Romeo and Juliet. In scenes where Romeo dawns a mask to enter a ball undetected to seduce Juliet. Theater was spreading in Europe; it was bluming into an artistic era. That a man called William Shakespeare work took place, becoming the most notable theater figures. Although many productions of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet choose to lose the costume aspect. Although Shakespeare did use masks in some of his other plays.

Masked theater wasn't unique to European and western culture. The Japanese Noh theater. They incorporated 125 named variants of masks. There are five categories of these masks: humans, gods, goddesses, devils, and goblins. They also used color to distinguish between villains and protagonists. These masks were made by complex craftsmanship out of wood, plaster, and lacquer. The fine carvings on the masks allowed the act to make minute adjustments to the mask to change expression and setting. Another culture that used masks was the Chinese theater incorporated masks in Dance of the Red Tiger Devil. A seasonal performance of exercising demons exclusively done by the priests. These masks were unique; they had a little bit of copper in the mask to give it a gilt. The rest of the mask was comprised of entirely paper-mache. Tibet, Bhutan, and the people in Sikkim, a state in India, also used masks in a similar fashion. These masks were made from wood because it was more durable and abundant then paper-mache. Javeness people also used masks to convary the religious values until they until convertred to muslim beliefs. The use of theatrical masks in Java are incredibly unique, since masks are being forbidden by the Islamic Prohibition of Images making them unknown to the Muslim world.In more modern times masks became more prevalent in places like Kenya, Haiti, Pacific islanders, and Mexico. It developed into a tourist icon. African masks later influenced the famous painter Pablo Picasso.

Focusing more on iconic costume uses. In modern day theater like the play Cats they used spandex, fur, bits of cloth and makeup to make their costumes. In Cats the movie they used CGI which missed the mark. The effects came across to some as bizarre and unsettling visual effects in addition to a lack of a concrete plot. Lead the audience and fans of the original theater work to not give the movie a very high ratting. Although they used the best of modern day technology they couldn’t capture what Cats was like on stage. Because of the visual effect coming across as unsettling. 

Comparing masks and costumes to stage building. Both masks and costumes and stage building bring a play to life. Alice in wonderland would be the same if there was no yellow brick road or if the tin man was just a regular man or The Phantom of the Opera had no mask. These aspects of a play give it the magic it needs. It wouldn't be the same in Star Wars if there were no masks or costumes. Without that the Si-fi aspect would be almost completely removed. In addition masks impact how the story works, Darth Vader wouldn't be this menacing and apathetic character if we were to see his true internal pain. The dichotomy of the character would be lost. This goes for the same in countless other uses in theater and film. 

In conclusion theater is experienced through sight and sound. Masks and costumes have a big impact on the visual aspect of theater; it promotes the story telling. It allows the story to be enhanced and captivate the audience. Sometimes people don't get it right but throughout history but nevertheless its become a staple. Cultures have used masks and costumes to convey religious values and storytelling. Like the Greeks, Europeans, and Asian cultures.  Embraces the art the creator envisions and creates a common ground between the viewer and the creator to share the same experience.

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