Inspector Kingsley Personality Traits in The First Casualty (Book Analysis)

📌Category: Books
📌Words: 467
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 26 January 2022

Inspector Kingsley has a very logical approach regarding his thought process and problem-solving. Kingsley’s ability to respond quickly and sharply is a large part of his personality and part of the reason he gets put in jail in chapters 1-22. In his trial, Kingsley had very snappy responses to the Judge and to some spectators at the public trial. A spectator says, “'You're a traitor, Kingsley,' an old man shouted, 'and a dirty German too!’. Kinglsey responds with, ‘Traitor or German, sir?' Kingsley enquired. 'If I were German, which I am not, then I could hardly be called a traitor for refusing to fight them.'” (15). Kingsley responds to the spectator’s statement very quickly and with no hesitation. In prison,   needs to be fed, but since Kingsley is considered a coward, the server refused to serve Kingsley. No one would serve him. Kingsley asked if he could serve himself and got beat up. Kingsley responds with, “'You have a statutory obligation to feed me.'” (66). This snarky response is how Kingsley thinks in the courtroom and how he is trained to think as an inspector. 

Inspector Kingsley is very courageous with his opinion about the war. Kingsley has his opinion and sticks to it. Even if he is in the minority, he sticks up for his beliefs. Kingsley believes that the war is illogical and doesn’t want to go to war. Kingsley is publicly hated and considered a coward to the public eye. But consistently, Kingsey never backs down, even to his wife. His wife says, “'Yes,' she continued, 'I could have forgiven you much but not this shame, Douglas. Not this shame!'” (27). Kingsley responds with, “'Ah yes. The shame'” (27). Kingsley continues to use his smart remarks and “logical” thinking even when his wife is against him. The author states, “Kingsley knew that this and this alone was his crime as far as Agnes,” (27). He truly does stand by his opinion and he knows he’s alone.

Inspector Kingsley is very arrogant in his thinking during his court case and his prison life. Kingsley’s arrogance often puts him in positions where he constantly digs a hole for himself. An example of this is when Kingsley is in prison and talks back to the warden. Kingsley says, “'You cannot let me starve.' Once more the first flew out and this time Kingsley was knocked properly to the ground”(66). Kingsley’s arrogance plays a huge role in the cafeteria scene. Kingsley knows if he talks back he will get beat up, but still continues to do so. His arrogance plays a huge role in the reasoning he is in jail. After the incident, Kingsley gets his food and goes to sit down. He says, “'May I join you at your table, sir?' McAlistair stopped and turned, staring at Kingsley for a moment.’ MacAlistair responds, 'No y'fuckin' can't, ye disgusting little English

Flatfoot.'” (68). Kingsley had no allies in prison and McAlistair was an exception. Kingsley’s arrogant and egoistic behavior is what ultimately got him in jail. 

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